2022 was a funny year for streaming platforms. For the first time, Netflix was losing subscribers by the shovel. A hemorrhage that the giant is trying to stop with new series (quickly canceled), an offer with advertising or even the end of account sharing. What offer a boulevard to the competition.

For its part, Prime Video has enriched its catalog of popular programs, with in particular season 3 of The Boys and the first season of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Even better, the platform is slowly but surely correcting a major flaw: its interface. Result ? Amazon’s video streaming platform eclipses Netflix in the United States… Perhaps by one percent, but still.

Prime Video, new king?

According to JustWatch, Prime Video has just knocked Netflix off its American throne. Throne on which the firm of Reed Hastings had been comfortably installed for quite some time. Indeed, between October and December 2022, Prime Video would have garnered 21% of the market share while Netflix is ​​content with 20%. On the podium, Disney+ enjoys 15% market share. A small victory, certainly, but a victory that speaks volumes. Netflix is ​​no longer the undisputed leader it once was.

In France, on the other hand, it’s not the abolition of Netflix’s reign yet. But the leader has something to worry about. Indeed, it only dominates the market by 2%. Netflix takes 28% of the audience share while Prime Video follows closely with 26% and Disney+ only benefits from 18%. Again, despite a slight lead, Netflix’s reign is upended by the competition. What to tremble…

While 2023 has only just begun, there is already change for series fans. This morning, Canal+ announced an agreement with Orange to (finally) get their hands on OCS. For its part, Netflix launched its offer with advertising (without much success) and restricted its subscribers as best it could. Account sharing is soon history. The catalog is no longer as dreamy as before and the giant is reviewing its strategy regarding films. But such decisions are likely to strongly affect the leader.

On the other hand, Prime Video seems to be on the right track. Amazon’s SVOD does not skimp on the means to enrich its catalog, with original programs that appeal to subscribers. Especially since subscribing to Prime Video goes through Amazon Prime and offers much more than a video streaming service. Subscribers enjoy free express delivery, Amazon Music, a monthly Twitch sub and an online photo service. weighty arguments.

If SVOD continues this trend, Prime Video could well eclipse Netflix for good. But we imagine that the Los Gatos firm has not yet said its last word…


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