This time it shouldn’t be about her anymore.

At Prince Harry (38) and his Meghan (41) has been chasing one explosive project after the next in recent years. Mostly about themselves or how terrible the British royal family is supposed to be. But now it shouldn’t be about the couple anymore, but for a change, about something “fun”. So away from the family drama and towards… what actually?

Loud “Daily Telegraph” should it be romantic comedy, feel-good and light entertainment. The whole thing is said to have a “heavy focus on scripted fictional content” and is part of its £88m deal with Netflix.

Means: Everything (officially) fictitious. Harry isn’t trying to be an actor now though. He and Meghan should only be the producers of the whole thing and not put themselves in front of the camera.

A friend of the Californian duo reveals why: “They’re tired of being in the spotlight for now.” A spotlight that, mind you, they’ve created themselves.

In March 2021, Harry and Meghan gave THE scandalous interview with US talk legend Oprah Winfrey (69), which made all the British royals swallow their English tea. The couple made fairly serious allegations and spoke of racism, lies and pressure in the palace, among other things.

Shortly before, the “Megxit” was decided, the British royal family was turned their backs and the couple built a new life in Montecito, California. The two children Archie (3) and Lilibet Diana (1) completed the family happiness.

On May 19, 2018, Harry and Meghan were married at Windsor Castle. Three years later it was “Bye bye” to the British royal family

Photo: dpa

The disclosure interview only added fuel to the already raging fire and divided the family. Nevertheless: Harry and Meghan shot again and again. And publicly.

In December 2022 the Royal dropouts their scandal documentary, which shook the kingdom again. In six episodes, Harry and Meghan unpacked unpleasant topics on Netflix – about their withdrawal from the royal family, their families, Harry’s brother dispute and Meghan’s mental anguish. Facts or Fiction? Some viewers asked themselves that question.

In their Netflix documentary, Harry and Meghan pretty much dish out against the royals

In their Netflix documentary, Harry and Meghan pretty much dish out against the royals

Photo: Netflix

Last but not least, there were all sorts of intimate revelations in Harry’s bestseller Spare. Nobody did really well in it. Not papa King Charles III. also not Brother William and his wife Kate. Whether it’s about the death of Mama Diana, the first sex or the killing of 25 Taliban – Harry has never been so open.

In short: Whether as a book, Netflix documentary or in an interview. Nasty tips flew against ALL the royals.

Everyone is still smiling in the photo, but behind the facade it was already crumbling in 2018. (standing from left) Camilla, Charles, (sitting from left) Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth, Harry, Meghan, Meghan's mother Doria, William, Kate, daughter Charlotte and next to Prince George

Everyone is still smiling in the photo, but behind the facade it was already crumbling in 2018. (standing from left) Camilla, Charles, (sitting from left) Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth, Harry, Meghan, Meghan’s mother Doria, William, Kate, daughter Charlotte and next to Prince George

Photo: AP

The new Netflix plans should be a nice change from the family drama. Harry revealed he used to enjoy watching the hit sitcom Friends, and Meghan stressed that she’d watched the romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally “a million times.” Hence the idea.

When the “fun” Netflix plans are to be implemented is still in the stars. Next, the couple looks forward to the Heart of Invictus series, which follows participants of Harry’s Invictus Games as they prepare.

The Invictus Games is a Paralympic sporting event for wounded war veterans. They took place for the first time in London in 2014 with over 300 participants from 13 countries. The next time the veterans start in September in Düsseldorf!

Wife Meghan has also been busy with her Spotify podcast Archetypes. In the ten episodes so far, tennis legend Serena Williams and Canada’s First Lady Sophie Trudeau have been guests. And they usually spoke to the hostess about their favorite topic: Meghan herself.

But that’s not what future Netflix plans should be about…


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