Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) criticizes the attacks on rescue workers on New Year’s Eve and proposes punishment for the perpetrators – but backtracks shortly afterwards.Image: / imago images


Anne Kathrin Hamilton

On New Year’s Eve, emergency and rescue services in Berlin and other cities were massively attacked. In some cases, the police had to be deployed to protect firefighters from attacks while they were putting out fires. Representatives of the police and fire brigade were dismayed and uncomprehending about the extent of the violence.

Remains of burned garbage cans and e-scooters after a riot on New Year's Eve at the corner of Sanderstrasse and Kottbusser Damm in Neukölln.  Remains of burned garbage cans and e-scooters after riots ...

Remains of burned garbage cans and e-scooters after a riot on New Year’s Eve in Berlin. Image: imago / Jürgen Held

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) also shares his horror at the violence against rescue workers on Twitter. In his tweet he also makes a suggestion as to how the perpetrators should be punished. However, this is not well received and causes a sensation.

Shortly thereafter, Lauterbach deletes his tweet. But the internet never forgets.

Heavy attacks on rescue workers on New Year’s Eve

On New Year’s Eve there were more than a hundred arrests in Berlin alone. The deeds are difficult to understand: Year after year, more and more emergency and rescue workers such as firefighters and paramedics are the target of violent attacks – during their operations, which are actually intended to protect and save human lives.

Karl Lauterbach in a press statement after visiting the Charit children's clinic in the Charit Virchow-Klinikum CVK Berlin.  Berlin, December 30th, 2022 *** Karl Lauterbach during a press statement after visit ...

Karl Lauterbach deletes his tweet in which he proposes punishment for attacks on rescue workers.Image: imago images/ F. Kern/ futureimage

Even for the SPD politician Lauterbach, these acts are probably incomprehensible. He wrote on Twitter on New Year’s Day: “It’s a shame that a small group of chaotic people are attacking the rescue workers.” He then proposes the following punishment.

Lauterbach proposes punishment and immediately rows back

As punishment, the Minister of Health demands the termination of the apartment for all perpetrators. He writes:

“Careless endangerment of the emergency services should be a reason for terminating the apartment.”

Shortly thereafter, he deleted the tweet and apparently rowed back with his statement. Because his proposal met with little understanding from the Twitter community. There were plenty of negative comments.

Karl Lauterbach deleted this tweet shortly afterwards.

Karl Lauterbach deleted this tweet shortly afterwards.Image: image / twitter

There is already a law punishing attackers on rescue and security forces – and it’s tough.

Up to five years in prison for assaulting rescue workers

There has been a separate law since 2017 that establishes stricter criminal offenses for attacks on rescue and security forces. Since then, up to five years in prison can be imposed for such attacks. It involves attacks on police officers, firefighters, civil protection and rescue services, public prosecutors and military police. Before the law was passed, a specific penalty only applied to assaults during enforcement actions, such as arrests.

Since 2017, the threat of punishment has applied during any official act. As a reaction to massive attacks on the recent New Year’s Eve, tightening of the penalties is now being demanded.

(With material from afp)


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