ngel Cristo Jr. targets Brbara Rey: He tries to silence me with lies

Ángel Cristo Jr. does not shut up. The son of Bárbara Rey and the tamer Ángel Cristo is willing to go to the end and tell the whole truth about his mother’s alleged affair with King Juan Carlos. After intervening in the Friday program on Telecinco, the television channel once again points out his mother and even his sister Sofa Cristo: Now when I speak they try to silence me with lies. My mother has told everything in private.

My sister Sofa continues to be a victim. I ask her not to get involved in this dirty war, he adds. Ángel Cristo Jr. explains that his DJ and Bárbara Rey are talking to journalists to spread lies that he himself can deny, according to what he says on the Mediaset program. These half-truths come from them. They are telling it how they want so that I remain discreditedsentence.

Likewise, Ángel Cristo Jr. reveals that he received a threatening message from Brbara Rey when she learned that he would give an interview on Telecinco. He wrote to me saying: You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, you’re going to regret it. May God protect youtells Santi Acosta and Beatriz Archidona.

The tamer’s son assures that he does not want to harm his sister and his mother, that he simply wants to tell his story: It is what I have experienced. I have a lawsuit that has been dismissed and filed. I have my pension up to date. I have done this for the person who matters most to me in the world. There have been people with arguments who have not been able to defend them, they have not been faithful to their words. The only thing they wanted to do was create confusion. I have received news from my family. My feeling is that they are worried, they are afraid and they want to prevent me from speaking, he adds.

About Chelo Garca-Corts

Bárbara Rey’s son also has a message for Slvame’s former collaborator, Chelo García-Corts. She should be grateful for the Christmas and summer reports we did for free. I didn’t want to be with my mother in the photos. The last thing I wanted was for them to see me as if nothing was happening and send false signals that we have been a happy family, she says. Chelo is capable of anything to deceive the people who are going to read his reports.he concludes.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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