NGOs warn about uptick in child violence in Haiti

PRINCE PORT.- Given the imminent arrival of an international mission to support security in Haitiseveral non-governmental organizations have expressed concern about a possible increase in violence against children in the country. Save the Children, Plan International y World Visionall with a strong presence in Haiti, issued a joint statement warning about the risks that minors face in this context.

These organizations emphasized that in some armed groups operating in Haiti, up to half of their members are minors. This alarming data highlights the vulnerability of children and adolescents, who could be caught in violent confrontations.

The NGOs stressed the need to implement urgent protection measures for minors, urging the international mission to adopt specific approaches that ensure the safety and rights of children. “Minors in Haiti are already exposed to a large number of risks, and the deployment of international forces may exacerbate this situation if adequate precautions are not taken,” they stated.

Recent reports received by these organizations detail the increasing use of children and adolescents by armed groups in combat against the Haitian National Police. In this sense, Save the Children, Plan International and World Vision have called on the international mission to prioritize child protection and prevent specific abuses against girls and women.

“Many children join these armed groups driven by desperation and hunger. These children are not combatants, they are victims who must be treated with the dignity and care they deserve,” they stated in the statement.

They also expressed concern about the lack of information on the training and protocols that the Kenyan-led mission will follow, as well as the oversight and accountability mechanisms that will be put in place. “It is crucial that the impact of these operations is closely monitored, especially during the upcoming hurricane season, which could further aggravate the humanitarian situation in the country,” the NGOs concluded.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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