He electoral Tribunal in Mexico is far from perfect. However, a new initiative appears in the Chamber of Deputies to weaken it and remove functions that they tried to keep political parties at bay. Do you know what is the most curious? The initiative was created by all colors.

“Is that why they come together?” some will wonder and it is obvious, it is even suspicious. This initiative to smack the electoral Tribunal is signed by leaders of Morena, AT, PAN, PT and the Green party.

Chamber of Deputies in Mexico // Photo: Cuartoscuro

Although the discussion is a bit stuck on the Law —gets into a barbaric mess to discuss who has the power to interpret the Constitution—this initiative is important to everyone. Above all, due to the controversy that the Deputies of the Parties enter this power game: taking strength from some, to give it to themselves.

Initiative to remove power from the Electoral Tribunal

In the center of this initiative to remove power from the Electoral Tribunal there is the matter of affirmative action —Public policies that seek to “compensate” for the conditions of discrimination experienced by vulnerable groups in our country.

An example, mentioned by this initiative, is when the electoral Tribunal determined that the new INE presidency would have to be a woman.

What does the president of the INE do? // Photo: INE, electoral center

The lawsuit of the Members of all political parties the thing is -in his way of seeing things- it was not for the Electoral Tribunal to decide. They, they assure, that it was a faculty of the Legislative Power… and the magistrates got involved “where they don’t care.”

Another of his lawsuits, too, is the matter of the joint candidacies. You know: the same number of men and women on the ballot for the elections. According to the deputies, this should not be the responsibility of the Electoral Tribunal, but it is internal decision of political parties and judges should not interfere.

“The electoral bodies are prevented from dictating to the political parties the way in which they carry out the renewal, beyond their powers,” reads in the initiative.

Changes to the Constitution to stop the Electoral Tribunal

Already being a little more specific, another of the most barbaric points of this initiative to take power away from the Electoral Tribunal focuses on the fact that involves changes to the Constitution. especially the Article 73, 99 and 105.

In the proposed changes to the Article 73the Deputies of the political parties would hit the table, becoming in the only ones capable of establishing affirmative action measures.

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Screenshot of the initiative that seeks to stop the Electoral Tribunal

In the moves to Article 99 take power away from electoral Tribunal to interpret the Constitution and incidentally, put that “exclusively” can dedicate themselves to resolving controversies. They literally write that the decisions made by the Deputies “are excluded from the jurisdiction of the Court.”

And in the last change to take away the power of the Electoral Tribunalpolitical parties came together to propose changing the Article 105. That points to that will be the Supreme Court the one that discusses the differences in this matter originated in Congress, removing the position of the Electoral Tribunal.

What is the initiative to take power away from the Electoral Tribunal?

If you want to read the initiative to remove power from the Electoral Tribunal, you can FIND HERE. They are warned, that it is a hulk of almost 50 pages —it begins on page 155 of the official document.

This initiative to change the Constitution has the support of almost all political partiessince he appeared at the JUCOPO (Political Coordination Board). That means that, at least on paper, it sounds possible that the proposed changes will pass with the support of all colors.

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Deputies from all political parties come together to take power away from the Electoral Tribunal // Photo: Cuartoscuro

Only Citizen movement has distanced itself from the initiative saying that the Congress it would be left with an absolute monopoly on affirmative action. “Any omission or determination on this issue cannot be resolved by any other authority,” they said.


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