Numerology allows us to know the mysteries of our current life, even of past lives, or just by making a simple calculation with the digits of our date of birth. Well, as we have already told you on other occasions, this practice considers that numbers are the language of the universe and have a close relationship with living beings, physical and spiritual forces.

There is an ancient theory that ensures that souls live several lives in different physical bodies as if in search of perfection and, furthermore, they are capable of following each other and meeting in a future life. This theory is called Kundalini and ensures that the soul enters the body at 120 days of gestation, but during this time it has already approached the parents.

Today in The Truth News We tell you how to know who you were in a past life according to the numerology. As we have already been informing you in the Style and Life section, you can find more articles on this subject by visiting the page.

Who was I in my past life according to numerology?

According to numerology, how is it possible to know who you were in your past life, since the answer reveals your same date of birth. To find out what your personality was like in a life before this one, and thus learn a little more about what your soul came to learn in this incarnation, you simply need to add the digits of your year of birth.

For example: if your year of birth is 1987 koma you must add 2 points 1+9+8+7=25, How This is a two-digit number, you must continue adding to simplify until you get a single digit; that is, the sum of 2+5=7, this will be the number that reveals how you were in your past life.

The only numbers you should not simplify are the master numbers 11 and 22.

What meaning does the number of my past life have?

Number one tells us about people who in their past lives held important positions, probably in the world of politics or in an important organization.

If your year of birth adds the number 2, this means that in your past life you were a person who preferred to stay safe. You were very little risky and you distinguished yourself for being a calm and balanced person.

This number tells us about people who lived their past life to the fullest and never regretted anything. Although this life may have been short, it was definitely lived to the fullest.

People with the number 4 have already lived several previous lives that have allowed them to learn to be practical and very organized.

If your date of birth adds up to the number 5, it is very likely that in your past life you have characterized yourself as a person with a great desire to live life as a very curious person, wanting to learn and understand everything.

People with the number 6 had an emotionally complicated past life, because they were always in conflict with themselves trying to find a balance.

These are people who in their past lives were wise and perfectionists, which is why they were recognized as great experts in the area they were dedicated to.

If you have the number 8 it means that in your past life you were a very competitive person who loved to win. It is likely that you have won more than one prize, you probably were involved in some sport.

These are idealistic people who spent their previous life chasing the dream of probably shining on stage.

It is one of the master numbers of numerology. This number speaks of people who were leaders, people who distinguished themselves in their past life for being committed, visionary, deep-thinking and exuberant of inspiration.

The number 22 is also a master number and it tells us about people who in the past dedicated their lives to seeking financial and personal security.

It might interest you: Numerology: What is the spiritual meaning of your last name?

How do I know if I have already met someone in a previous life?

To discover if you have met a member of your family or a friend in another life, it is necessary that you pay attention to what you feel when you are with that person or at the moment you met them, because the people who have followed us in other lives are those with which you feel that you have known yourself for a long time.

And, to know the time in which you could have lived, it is important that you pay attention to details such as if you dream of some moment in history or if you feel an affinity with past times, for example, with the Middle Ages, with the Old West, the Ancient Rome, etc.

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