You are currently viewing Oliver Pocher + Amira Pocher: In this conversation, the reason for the separation becomes obvious

Oliver and Amira Pocher have never made a secret of their marriage crisis. However, the crisis has now turned into a separation and in a previous podcast conversation between the two it became more than clear what the reason for the love ending should be.

The marriage of Oliver Pocher, 45, and Amira Pocher, 30, has been on shaky ground for a long time. Weeks ago, the comedian and his wife announced in their podcast “Die Pochers” that they were going through a “difficult” time in their relationship. In their latest podcast episode, they now confirmed what many fans already rumored: they have officially split up.

Amira Pocher: “Yes, that’s it”

So Amira Pocher explained very factually in the podcast with her estranged husband: “It would be time to enlighten people, because there is speculation or not, but we thought that we would do it here, this way, probably best say. And we are separated. Yes, that’s it.” It was also she who ultimately wanted the end of love, as Oliver said in the conversation, slightly irritated. And it’s not surprising that his former partner and mother of two of his sons has decided to separate. In a previous podcast conversation between the two, it became more than clear that Amira has (had) a fundamental problem with Olli.

Amira Pocher already describes her successor

In a previous episode of the podcast, she described her future successor. An attribute that, in her opinion, the future Ms. Pocher will definitely bring with her: she is young! In their podcast, Oliver and Amira discussed age differences in relationships, and the mother of two was ruthlessly honest: “You would never look for a woman of the same age.” She further explained her statement:

Men who lack a certain emotional maturity are always looking for younger women. Weak men are always looking for weak young women.

Uff, that’s it. And it went even further: “A seasoned man who is at peace with himself, who has emotional intelligence, who knows what he wants, what he can do, what he has. Why should he choose a 22- or 23- year-old girl who can’t be at his level at all?!”

Was that the reason for the breakup?

It’s quite possible that in Amira Pocher’s eyes, Oliver Pocher just didn’t have the emotional maturity that she demands from a partner. And that the presenter just hadn’t confessed the way she wanted him to.

In any case, Amira Pocher’s statements did not put Oliver in a good light, but neither did she herself. After all, she was only 24 years young when she fell in love with Oliver Pocher, who was 38 at the time. According to Amira, however, she was much more grown up at the time and Oliver was much more childlike. The two would have “met in the middle”.

Oliver Pocher: Is he “emotionally weak”?

Oliver Pocher, spurred on by his wife’s statements, found the discussion “interesting” and explained that a possible new partner could well be the same age. But Amira didn’t want to leave it that way: “You with your 45 years would never look for a 40-year-old woman by your side. I’ll give it to you in writing now. That will never happen.”

Amira Pocher also wanted to know the exact age of a future partner in the interview: “I say 24.” The comedian already knew one possible reason why his wife could be right about that: “Because men can still reproduce, they then look for a younger woman.” Amira then said quickly: “Please don’t reproduce anymore, Olli. I think five children are enough.” Oliver Pocher has three children together with Alessandra Meyer-Wlden, 40.

Whether Amira Pocher is really right in her assessment that Olli’s next partner will be 24 years old, only the future can tell.

Source used: Podcast “Die Pochers”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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