You are currently viewing One of the singers who triumphed in Eurovision 2023, diagnosed with stage 4 cancer

Australia’s performance at Eurovision last May did not go unnoticed. On the contrary. He achieved a more than successful tenth place that earned him the ovation of the entire Eurovision audience. In this way, Danny Estrin, the vocalist of Voyager, definitively burst onto the international music scene. who materialized the media rise after many years probing the playlists Europeans. Now, the singer himself has returned to be the protagonist. But this time on the other side of the coin. He has announced that he is delaying his tour because he has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

This was announced through a statement. “Last week I was given life-altering news: I have been diagnosed with cancer that requires immediate treatment. “I’m absolutely devastated that I won’t be able to perform on our next European tour, especially after this incredible Eurovision year we’ve had.”, the text started. Subsequently, he continued to give the instructions that the doctor has recommended and that will take him away from the scene for as long as his health requires.

From tenth place in Eurovision to cancer in just four months

“I am under strict medical orders to not take this lightly and put my health first and get this resolved so we can be back on stage as soon as possible.”, continues the musician’s writing. Along these lines, Estrin has announced that his last concert will take place this Sunday at the America’s Cup event. It will be in Fremantle, Western Australia. “Come have fun with us before the treatment starts. In the coming weeks I will focus on my health and my family and ask everyone to respect our privacy.”he has extended, appealing to the emotion of his followers.

“I truly value and appreciate everyone’s support and understanding during this time. “I’m surrounded by my amazing bandmates and team, who will take care of everything Voyager-related while I’m out in action.”he has detailed, in a wink of confidence to his fans that implies a sincere show must go on. And she did it in good spirits; happy and for several reasons. “Trust in the incredible advances of modern medicine”, is one of them. Added to this is the support of his family and friends and “the incredible community of fans we have out there who show us their love and support”.

Specifically, stage 4 Estrin cancer means that the disease has spread beyond the place of origin. This is also known as metastasis.. And also what is interpreted as the sadness of some followers who have seen how Voyager’s trajectory took the form of a roller coaster. From tenth place in Eurovision to the vocalist’s cancer in just four months. Aware of this, Estrin dismisses the video with a hopeful and fierce cry. “We will fight this!”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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