Operative outcry: after the resignation of the President, Kirchnerism confirmed the act of Cristina Kirchner in La Plata (File)

After Alberto Fernández’s decision not to stand for re-election and in a context of uncertainty about who will be the ruling party’s candidates for the elections, Cristina Kirchner will reappear publicly next Thursday in an act that will take place in The Silver.

The meeting was announced this Saturday at the Buenos Aires PJ plenary held in Caballito where the mayor of Ensenada, Mario Secco, announced the presence of the Vice President on April 27 in the Buenos Aires capital. An appointment that later confirmed maximum kirchner at the end of his speech at the Ferro stadium.

“To conclude, I ask you that this April 27 come to the Teatro Argentino de La Plata to accompany Cristina. Give the present, be happy, fight, generate, create. Give everything because those of us who are here also give everything, ”said the reference from La Cámpora at the end of his intervention in the day called to ask CFK to present himself as a candidate.

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The place where the Vice President will speak again will be the Teatro Argentino, the same one where in 2007 she launched her candidacy for President of the Nation together with Julio Cobos, who held the position of vice president. He will also do so within the framework of a political scenario marked by the recent decision made by the President of the Nation of not go for a second term in this year’s elections.

The event, in turn, will coincide with the 20th anniversary of the April 27, 2003 elections that led Néstor Kirchner to the presidency. In this sense, according to what Secco told the news agency Telam, the call will be made so that they can “order” inside the party.

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“After Cristina’s words, we will work for May 25 and we will see if we continue with the plenary meetings of the militancy in the provinces,” said the Buenos Aires mayor of Ensenada.

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