Local deputies of the PAN and the Citizen Movement (MC), they sued the Institute of Mobility of the State of Quintana Roo (Inmoveqroo), apply the law and guarantee the right of citizens to use the mobility service -transportation- that suits you best in the State taxis or digital platforms, said legislators Cinthya Millán Estrella and Maritza Basurto Basurto.

The two members of the XVII Legislature indicated that Inmoveqroo has the legal powers to sanction taxi drivers that have caused riots, closures of streets and avenues, in addition to disturbing public order, “under arguments that lack any support, as has already been demonstrated before federal courts,” they mentioned.

Opposition deputies ask Inmoveqroo to apply the law to taxi drivers

Local legislator Maritza Basurto of the MC, pointed out that it is unfortunate that security alerts from countries like the United States have to be addressed due to the belligerent attitudes of taxi drivers.

Thus, PAN member Millán Estrella said that the corresponding sanctions should be applied to the operators of the steering wheel or to the drivers of digital platforms such as UBER to carry out actions that violates the right of citizens to move freely throughout the state.

The PAN legislatorindicated that with this call, They hope that the owner of Inmoveqroo, Rodrigo Alcázar Urrutia, understands that it is up to him to apply the law in terms of mobility, “that do not hide in the colors of your partythat it dedicates itself to carrying out its function and taking all the necessary actions to penalize the concessionaires and avoid more confrontations and traffic blockades in the streets”.

Opposition deputies ask Inmoveqroo to apply the law to taxi drivers

The PAN legislator, Cinthya Millán, assures that the head of Inmoveqroo, Rodrigo Alcázar, must put aside the colors of his party and understand that it is up to him to apply the law on mobility.-

for his part the also local opposition deputy, Basurto Basurto of the MC, regretted that for facts like those that occurred in Cancun have to respond to an alert call from the United States to the tourists of that place, “What the government has done in terms of promotion at the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) is uselesseverything fell apart for a few ”, he lamented.

And he said the subject, “It’s not something that should go unpunished. all must be exercised the necessary sanctions to the concessionaires and operators that blocked the beach areaespecially because of the way the image of the destination and tourists were affected that they were about to get out of it,” he said.

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