The founder and businessman Ørnulf Høyer is currently featured in Farmen kendis. Høyer has not been involved in many reality and TV recordings himself, but his house has.

He bought the large villa, located on the best western edge of Oslo, in 1997. The story of how he got hold of his dream villa is as unique as the villa itself.

– I remember thinking “I have to have that house, and before it goes on the market”, says Høyer when TV 2 visited him at home in the celebrity house.

Join the inside of Høyer’s luxury villa and hear the crazy purchase story in the video window at the top of the case.

FROM 1903: Ørnulf’s villa is over 100 years old, and was built in 1903. Photo: Morten L. Kristoffersen/TV 2

Thought Høyer was “undercover” police

– I actually bought the house unseen, and it was a completely crazy situation, says Høyer about the villa, which was built in 1903.

Despite the fact that the entrepreneur had never seen the inside of the house, he was convinced that there would be more hidden treasures inside the old Oslo villa.

Therefore, Høyer was willing to go to great lengths to get hold of the villa before it ended up on the housing market.

– I looked through the windows to see what was there. Then I went to the magistrates’ court, which had convicted the man who lived there at the time for theft. This is how I found out who sold the house, on behalf of the insurance company. I was convinced that if I made direct contact, there was a greater chance that I would be able to buy the house before it ended up on the market.

NOT A PHOTO: The iconic picture hanging on the wall in the dining room is actually a painting and not a photo.

NOT A PHOTO: The iconic picture hanging on the wall in the dining room is actually a painting and not a photo. Photo: Morten L. Kristoffersen/TV 2

Høyer was then given a private viewing, but admits that the villa was not in such a condition as it is today.

– In 1997, the house was quite dilapidated. The paint was peeling off the house walls, weeds were growing and there were anthills around the garden, says the 66-year-old.

The founder says that there were certain legal processes he had to go through in order to buy the house, but managed to buy it at market price.

The former criminal, who was then the owner of the house, however, did not believe Høyer’s story that he only wanted to buy the villa.

– He thought I was undercover police! I had to contact him to ask if he was interested in selling the house, and then he had to sign the sales contract. So it was a very special situation.

Never took out a single penny

Høyer says he has invested a lot of money and time in refurbishing the villa. When he bought it, it was not in the same condition that people are used to seeing it today.

– I was lucky enough to have received a good amount of money then, from an agency I had sold. So then I took out a lot of the values ​​I had created, and put everything into renovating the house.

OLD DETAILS: For Høyer it has been important to keep old details and woodwork, such as the mirror and doors in this room.  Photo: Morten L. Kristoffersen/TV 2

OLD DETAILS: For Høyer it has been important to keep old details and woodwork, such as the mirror and doors in this room. Photo: Morten L. Kristoffersen/TV 2

Høyer was not born with money on the books. He has worked his way up and created several types of company.

– It is, after all, a “pinch yourself in the arm” experience. I started with two empty hands, lived in a bunk bed at home in Røa, put on my running shoes and bet. So it resulted in me actually making quite a bit of money.

The founder, who is today the owner and managing director of the Høyer group, says he always pledges what he has.

– To this day, I have never withdrawn a single kroner from the Høyer group. I put the money back in, to create more shops and good business. This will become a cornerstone company that will live on long after I am gone.

“EAGLE’S NEST”: He has named Høyer’s private office “Eagle’s Nest”, as a play on his name Ørnulf. Photo: Morten L. Kristoffersen/TV 2

– Gotta get out of here feet first

Høyer is also not modest when it comes to inviting family, friends and acquaintances to dinner and parties at his own home.

– Although the house has a lot of history, we have also created our own history here. The parquet has marks from stiletto heels, and a week ago we had 21 people at the table, says the 66-year-old enthusiastically as he shows us the dining room.

This is a room that has been the star of several popular series and films, such as “Exit” and “White Boys”.

– To have such a dining room, it obliges! says the entrepreneur with a smile on his face.

WELL-KNOWN: This room has featured in several TV and film recordings such as Exit and Hvite gutter.  Photo: Morten L. Kristoffersen/TV 2

WELL-KNOWN: This room has featured in several TV and film recordings such as Exit and Hvite gutter. Photo: Morten L. Kristoffersen/TV 2

It is also no coincidence that there are so many recordings in Høyer’s house. He himself has worked in the film and TV industry, as a “location finder”. Therefore, he has several contacts in the industry, and is often asked if the house can be used in a number of recordings.

– It’s fun to share it with people, because it really is a party of a house. Here I’m going out with the legs first, he says and laughs.

The tradition for Høyer and his family is that every year they gather in the villa for both Christmas, New Year and other holidays.

The great-grandson of Fritjof Nansen

Høyer’s wife, Line Helene Aarø Strandli (34), is responsible for much of the design and interior around the house. The couple married in 2015, and Høyer describes his wife as “his best friend”.

– She is incredibly clever. It is mainly she who finds the rare works of art we have here in the house.

MARRIED: Høyer has been married to his wife since 2015. Their wedding photo hangs in the living room.  Photo: Private

MARRIED: Høyer has been married to his wife since 2015. Their wedding photo hangs in the living room. Photo: Private

Despite the fact that the wife keeps track of most of the villa’s interior, there is one picture that is very special to Høyer.

– This is my great-grandfather, Fritjof Nansen, says the entrepreneur and points to a picture on the wall in the living room.

– It is a picture that Aksel Revold has made. I am very proud of that. Nansen was a champion of human rights, and started the Norwegian Refugee Council. Many people think of him as a polar explorer, but he actually received a peace prize for the relief work he did for refugees after the First World War.

The great-grandfather’s work is something that both Høyer and the rest of the family try to honor every day.

NANSEN'S SHOES: Fritjof Nansen used these shoes when he crossed Greenland.  Photo: Morten L. Kristoffersen/TV 2

NANSEN’S SHOES: Fritjof Nansen used these shoes when he crossed Greenland. Photo: Morten L. Kristoffersen/TV 2

This is also represented in Høyer’s private office, which he has named “The Eagle’s Nest”.

Here there are several items that refer to the great-grandfather’s heritage, including a pair of shoes Nansen used when he led the first expedition across Greenland.

– We have a strong moral compass from Fritjof Nansen, which is about taking care of people. And that is very important to me and my family.

You can see Farmen kendis on Tuesdays at 21:40, and Wednesdays and Sundays at 20 on TV 2 Play, and when you want on TV 2 Play.


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