Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung

Osnabruck (ots)

Parliamentary Secretary of State for Economic Affairs defends heating exchange law against criticism from the FDP

Franziska Brantner: Prioritizing the heat transition in the coalition decision in March 2023 “jointly” decided – the use of “wood chips” also remains permitted

Osnabruck. The parliamentary secretary of state for economic affairs, Franziska Brantner (Greens), has defended the heating exchange law against ongoing criticism, including from the ranks of the coalition partner FDP. After Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the traffic light government “decided together in the coalition committee in March 2022 to bring the start of the heat transition forward to 2024,” said Brantner in an interview with the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ). “After all, fossil fuels are becoming more expensive. That’s why the heat transition will help to keep heating affordable for everyone in the long term and to meet our climate goals.”

Brantner also rejected the accusation that the Greens were pursuing climate policy with a crowbar: “Whether it’s Sweden, Finland, Norway: Especially in the colder northern European countries, people are much further along in converting heating systems from fossil to renewable energy sources. And it will be in our law There are transitional periods and exceptions, and it is open to all technologies,” said Brantner. In addition to the heat pump, the use of heating networks, biogas, solar thermal energy or wood chips remains possible. “Also, strong financial support is foreseen so that it fits everywhere locally and can be afforded by everyone.”

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Original content from: Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, transmitted by news aktuell


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