no white smoke came out at the appointment before the Prosecutor's Office

BOGOTA. – The former president of Colombia, Andres Pastrana requested the current president Gustavo Petro to make public a civil liability claim that was filed against him and his brother, Juan Carlos Pastrana.

This accusation was made by the former Colombian president in a post on the social network X, in which he accuses President Petro of carrying out a judicial persecution against his family.

Pastrana also shared a letter he sent to Petro, in which he mentions having knowledge, through the website of the rama judicial, on a non-contractual civil liability claim brought by the head of state against him and against his brother.

Violates fundamental rights

In the letter, Pastrana asks Petro to make this lawsuit public immediately, since this is a legal action proposed by a public official like him.

“Using the judicial system to persecute opinions contrary to his poor government flagrantly violates, among others, the fundamental rights to freedom of opinion, freedom of expression and the freedom to exercise the rights of the opposition enshrined in the Constitution and in the American Convention on Human Rights“.

When consulting the website of the Higher Council of the JudiciaryIt can be seen that there is a civil lawsuit filed on May 28 before the 2nd Civil Court of the Bogotá Circuit, currently in the qualification stage.

Petro and Pastrana have been involved in clashes on social media, which triggered a clash between the two politicians.

In December 2023, the head of state filed a criminal complaint for “insult and slander” with the Prosecutor’s Office after former President Pastrana stated that Gustavo Petro’s electoral campaign and government were nothing more than “the fusion with drug trafficking under the veil of a farce called total peace.”

Harassment to silence

For his part, Andrés Pastrana’s brother also spoke out, expressing his distrust of the judicial situation in which he and his family are involved. The journalist Juan Carlos Pastrana He believes that the current president is using his family in a political dispute, describing the situation as an international issue related to press freedom and strategic harassment to silence public participation.

In an interview with Caracol RadioThe journalist mentioned that totalitarian regimes and politicians in power abuse the law to persecute journalists, critics and political opponents through endless litigation.

(email protected)

Source: President Andrés Pastrana’s social network X account, El Tiempo, Radio Caracol, Infobae,

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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