Boss Incognito was back on M6, this Monday, January 16, with a new number. The show’s cameras this time followed Frédéric Murat, the co-founder of, one of the leaders in home delivery. And to go unnoticed, the business manager had chosen to take on the role of Stéphane, future manager of a delivery site in training. But his immersion was not easy. In his metamorphosis, the boss had a hard time tolerating his contacts and he failed to conceal tattoos on his thigh in the name of his company. He was therefore almost immediately recognized by Dawid, his first trainer, which caused the hilarity of Internet users.

Océane refuses to deliver by hand despite the insistence of her boss

Her second experience also ended in disaster with Mohammed, her second trainer. The two men had to transport two cakes with a cargo bike and the incognito boss dropped the mounted parts by moving his two wheels. A clumsiness that dismayed his employee. He then followed Océane, responsible for delivering packages to homes. This time, it was the entrepreneur who was outraged by the methods of the young woman. If Frédéric Murat wants the packages to be hand-delivered to customers, this one does not hear it that way, even if it means sometimes forcing a little to get the packages into the mailboxes. “I set myself a goal, it’s ten parcels an hour. That’s what we have to deliver within the base hour”, she explained to the camera. On several occasions, the head of the company tried to convince his employee to ring, wiping “no no” exasperated by the latter.

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An attitude that annoys Internet users

The attitude of Océane, who also opts for disabled spaces to park more quickly, outraged Internet users. “The girl has zero respect for others in fact, the disabled nothing to f*t, the damaged packages nothing to f*t”, a surfer, particularly upset, was indignant. “Ah well, I better understand the state of my parcels”, reacted another, amused. Everyone noticed that she wasted more time pushing the packages into the boxes rather than looking for the key to open them. Some have nevertheless defended the young woman, arguing that her race for productivity was perhaps also wanted by her employer. “Bawi you are going to call all the customers, like that instead of 1 minute you take 5 minutes and instead of 10 deliveries per hour you do 4 or 5. And then the boss will yell about the speed”, observed a viewer.

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