Peace, closer to heaven

Its original name was Nuestra Señora de La Paz and it was founded by the Spanish conquistador Alonso de Mendoza in 1548, in the middle of an ancient gold deposit.

With a cosmopolitan and contrasting urban appearance, the north side is made up of the most popular neighborhoods, while the south boasts its most opulent neighborhoods. They are two discordant extremes that seem to be connected by a wide urban road that everyone calls Paseo del Prado, but it is called Avenida 16 de Julio, the date of the independence day, where ancient, contemporary and modern buildings proliferate, as well as an endless list of establishments. , popular restaurants and cafes.

To walk

At the beginning of the wide avenue is the Plaza de San Francisco, which is a spacious esplanade where street vendors abound. There people gather and the life of the humble Bolivian is perceived with its women dressed in long colorful and pleated skirts, a shawl and a black hat that announces the temperate climate of this Andean city.

On one side of the square the Basilica of the same name stands out. An authentic jewel of the so-called mestizo baroque architecture, built in 1549 and rebuilt around 1785 after a heavy snowfall that destroyed the roof.

Nearby is Plaza Murillo with four important buildings. One is the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace, neoclassical style, built in 1556 and rebuilt in 1831, which is fronted by the National Palace, also neoclassical, where the presidency of the country is located.

On one side is the Legislative Palace and on the other the National Museum of Art, which is housed in an old baroque style palace that houses an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, furniture and minor arts from the colonial and contemporary era.

Witches Market

Behind the church of San Francisco there is a neighborhood that encourages you to walk through its streets. They call it The Witches’ Market and its facades house countless stores that, in addition to some crafts, sell amulets, medicinal plants and whatever components of pre-Columbian witchcraft exist.

There are a legion of self-proclaimed witches, folk medicine women, astrologers and fortune tellers who live or work there. There is no disease or illness that lacks an herb for a solution. Concoctions that the sellers claim serve to cure pain and items that they claim calm life’s setbacks. They are two particularities that attract hundreds of locals and tourists from abroad.

A faint column of smoke announces that something is happening around the corner. Not even Harry Potter could imagine so much magic and witchcraft together in one place. Bartolina performs a strange ritual that her grandmother taught her. She has lit a small bonfire and holds the fetus of a llama over it. She asks Pachamamama, the god of Mother Earth, for health, happiness and also prosperity.

However, the most lucrative business is the sellers of herb boxes with an endless list of leaves and plant waste. There is geranium infant to disinfect wounds and heal them, pure eucalyptus, which, smeared with beeswax and soy oil, is sworn to heal the lungs, muscles and also bruises.

On the streets they sell the highly controversial coca leaf, which is visible in large quantities and is chewed or boiled as an infusion to alleviate hunger, thirst and fatigue.


In addition to the National Art and Archaeological museums, where they hold a rich national historical treasure, there are tourist buses that show the city, as well as excursions to relatively nearby places such as Lake Titicaca on the border of Peru.

Eating is one of the things you will inevitably have to do. The good news is that the culinary offering is wide and attractive. It is basically made up of meats, grains and vegetables. They are very well seasoned and economical dishes at the satisfactory exchange rate of the US dollar.

Please note that the height may cause a headache. Take a couple of aspirin before you arrive. If the pain persists, ask the pharmacy for the pain reliever sorojchi, specially created for altitude sickness.

Another solution is to try a coca infusion, made from the leaves of the famous plant, which will help you overcome the ailment. A harmless decoction that they offer in cafes and even hotels.

How to get?

There are several airlines that provide service from Miami and the main cities of the United States to La Paz.

Unlike other South American countries, which do not charge entry fees for U.S. citizens, Bolivia requires an entry permit that costs $160 and can be paid upon arrival at the airport.

If you carry a passport of another nationality, ask the consular representation of the Andean country.

Where to Stay?

La Paz has a wide range of accommodation for all budgets. There are everything from five-star hotels and apartments to studios and hostels.

Save dollars

The US dollar is strong against the Bolivian currency, the boliviano, and we recommend carrying a small list with you indicating the values: one dollar is equivalent to approximately seven bolivianos, according to the current rate, five to 35 and 10 to 70 and so on. successively.

DO NOT EXCHANGE MONEY before traveling or when you are at your destination. Use the ATM card at a bank. This will save you the exchange fee and get the best international rate available that day.

You can also use credit cards in stores, restaurants and hotels.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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