Juarez City.- Due to her perfect average of 10, a student from Campus 5 of the Colegio de Bachilleres in Ciudad Juárez received a full scholarship to study at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP).

Silvia María de los Ángeles Holguín, is a sixth semester student and will be studying Biomedical Engineering.

“I made a great effort during all the years to come up with the profile, the curriculum and the entire application was also a great effort,” said the student who is also a member of the Cobach mariachi.

Germán López, director of the Department of International Students at UTEP, said that Silvia and two other students from different campuses were chosen for being outstanding students.

He mentioned that the scholarship for academic merit covers the total payment of his university career during the four years that it lasts, for an amount of 5 thousand dollars per year.

The University of Texas has the PASE program, which is aimed at Mexican students who want to pursue their degree at that institution, whose objective is for the student to pay tuition as if they were a student who lives in Texas even though they live in Mexico.

“This is a program exclusively for Mexican foreign students, so it is a great opportunity and a great platform for all those who want to start their career in the United States,” he mentioned.

Regarding obtaining the scholarship, the beneficiary student told her classmates that “always have big dreams and make an effort because they can achieve everything, it will take more time, it will take a lot of effort, sacrifices, but it is very nice to see all the fruits … that they dream and that they try it”.

Germán López indicated that the scholarship was promoted throughout the state and added that in this program those interested come to his office where they are guided on the procedure to enter and so that they can go to Immigration to process their student visa.

“Once the student has completed his admission process, we guide him in the immigration issue, once the student obtains the PASE program, he is guided to have a certificate called I20, which establishes a link between the university and Immigration and also the F1 visa, the student visa”, he commented.

He affirmed that the program is not exclusive for those who have just entered high school but that it is open to anyone who wants to start their studies there, even not only at the undergraduate level but also at the postgraduate level.

UTEP currently has 1,600 Mexican international students benefiting from this program, but 80 percent of its 25,000 students are Hispanic.

In addition to the PASE program, there are other scholarships that Mexican students can apply for once they are enrolled in the institution, he said. The contact for the PASE program is [email protected].

The symbolic delivery of the scholarship to Silvia María de los Ángeles Holguín took place during an event attended by Laura Robledo, coordinator of Cobach Zona Norte; Óscar Ibáñez, representative of the governor in the North Zone and Carlos Armendáriz, director of campus 5, in addition to all his colleagues who applauded her achievement.

Also yesterday it was used to reward the best averages of the “House of Apaches”.


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