Peru eliminates transsexuality and transvestism from the list of mental illnesses

LIMA.- He Ministry of Health of Peru announced this Tuesday the elimination of the transsexuality and the transvestism from their list of mental illnesses or health problems, marking an important advance in LGBT rights in the country. This decision comes a month after the Government of Dina Boluarteratified a decree that initially pathologized these identities.

Instead of categorizing them as diseases, the term “gender discordance” is now adopted, applicable from adolescence to adulthood, as well as “gender discordance without specification.” This update reflects a more respectful approach to gender diversity and seeks to ensure equitable access to health services for all people, regardless of their gender identity.

The Ministry also emphasized the importance of counseling related to sexual orientation and sexual relationships as factors that influence the comprehensive health of people. This measure underlines the Peruvian government’s commitment to human rights and individual dignity.

“With this action, the Ministry of Health reaffirms its commitment to respect for human dignity and the free exercise of rights, providing health services that truly benefit all citizens,” the official statement stated.

In May, the Peruvian Health Ministry had received criticism for initially classifying transsexuality and transvestism as mental disorders, citing concerns about access to mental health treatments if this label was removed. However, after a review and rectification, it was recognized that this classification was a misinterpretation of previous regulations, including an obsolete one from the World Health Organization (WHO), which had already been discarded.

This review not only reflects a positive change towards more inclusive and respectful health policies, but also positions Peru as a reference in the promotion of LGBT rights in the region.

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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