Plus-size model crowned Miss Alabama

MIAMI.- The model Sara Milliken became the first plus-size model to be crowned Miss Alabama. Her rise in the beauty pageant has been celebrated by many, but also rejected by others who have attacked her for not meeting traditional standards regarding contestants’ measurements.

The coronation took place over Memorial Day weekend, but Milliken has been trending on social media recently.

Information released by WKRG News indicated that the 23-year-old has pursued the desire to be a beauty queen since she was 15, when she debuted in a pageant. At 16 she repeated her experience.


Despite receiving offensive comments on social networks, Sara does not allow the negativity of a group to tarnish her happiness and has faced them.

On Instagram he published a video of a news program in which they talked about his participation in the contest, and shared an emotional statement.

“I am just a woman from Atmore living her dream,” with these words Milliken began her writing.

In the text, he pointed out the importance of seeing both sides of the coin, and explained how his coronation has been judged by many.

“I think it’s important to address the part of the story that didn’t air. When they first posted the photo from this day, it received over 2,000 comments and was viewed over a million times. Many messages were positive, but also “There was a lot of negativity. The things some people said were really disgusting,” he said.

Although he does not want to give importance to destructive opinions, he does consider it necessary to make a call with the intention of making visible the bullying that the people plus size They suffer from not meeting the expectations and physical standards that society demands.

“There is something important to tell and I feel that as the owner it would be extremely irresponsible of me not to address the ‘second part’ of this story. I feel that many times people resort to cyberbullying because it does not feel real. They are just words on a screen, Isn’t it possible that it causes physical harm? You’re wrong.”

“Victims of cyberbullying are twice as likely to self-harm. Interestingly, perpetrators of cyberbullying are at increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The old saying rings true… hurting people hurt people,” he added.

Mental health

Sara Milliken called on people who are victims of abuse to seek help and support networks that they can turn to if they are going through a moment of vulnerability.

“Please know that victims and perpetrators alike… do not have to resort to this. Help is available and mental health is an issue now more than ever. Please call 988 if you have these thoughts.”

“I am lucky to report that I am in a great place mentally and am not experiencing these thoughts. However, this is not the case for everyone. The best way to prevent this from happening is to simply spread kindness,” he said.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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