Police notice for car keys: They can be very expensive

The National Police is alerting citizens through its social networks about several key shells, which are sold completely empty in order to store all types of substances inside. The drugs that have been seized so far have been cocaine, cannabis, ecstasy and amphetamines. The objective of the sale of these empty keys is to be able transport drugs quickly and without problems.

Through a video from TikTokthe National Police force has compared one of these modified casings with a completely legal one. Look at these two keys. Apparently, they are the same, but they are not, points out the agent. In order to differentiate which is the empty key and which is not, you have to look at the button that usually serves to remove the vehicle key. In addition to that button, there are also three others, which simulate those of a regular key.

Inside the modified key we can find a small box in which we can hide whatever we wantcriminals often use it to hide drugs. There are people who use modified keys like this to hide insidepoints out the agent.

An illegal product

During the video, the agent warns us that Purchasing this type of product can be very expensive.because if they confiscate it, the police officers can impose a sanction on us. Regardless of whether it contains any narcotic substance or not.

The National Police knows perfectly well how to identify this type of keys and the dogs used in anti-drug operations have a sufficiently developed sense of smell to intercept this type of drugs and discover where they are in a matter of seconds.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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