With spring comes the start of the cruise season. Many ships are expected on the Baltic Sea this year – and many more guests.

The cruise season begins in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein. The “Aidadiva” moored in Rostock-Warnemünde on Friday morning. According to the port operator Rostock Port, the ship should depart again in the evening with the first Warnemünde cruise guests of the year on board. The season is scheduled to last until the end of October. According to the current status, more than 134 ship calls are expected in the Baltic Sea resort.

Season ends in Kiel at the end of the year

In Kiel, the 218 meter long “Balmoral” with almost 1000 guests was expected on Friday afternoon at the Ostseekai. A total of 221 calls by 38 cruise ships are scheduled to call at the seaport of the state capital of Schleswig-Holstein this year. The end of the season there is not until December 29th. (dpa)

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