The Minister of Social Development, Victoria Toulouse Peaceannounced today that more than 11% of the beneficiaries are subject to “being suspended” from receiving Potenciar Trabajo and that starting next month, when the January payment is made, they will collect 50% of the benefit, if they do not start a “claim instance” that will be opened by the portfolio for this purpose.

After the stipulated period for beneficiaries to validate their data ended yesterday, the portfolio holder gave a press conference at Casa Rosada, where she assured that her management currently has “more certainties than doubts” about the people who make up the register and guaranteed that the efforts will be directed “to the most vulnerable population, to young people, to those who have shown great interest in continuing their education or job training, and to women.”which constitute 67% of the total registered.

“We have much more certainty and we can say that these people do not have registrable assets, that they did not buy dollars and do not present incompatibilities with Potenciar Trabajo,” said Tolosa Paz, at the same time assuring that the result of the survey is in the hands of justice , when asked about the alleged incompatibilities found by the AFIP months ago, which led to a legal case in the hands of the prosecutor Guillermo Marijuan.

In this sense, the holder of the portfolio recalled that last December the immediate and definitive withdrawal of 2,243 holders of the Potenciar Trabajo – less than 0.3% of the beneficiaries – was ordered for having acquired savings and consumption dollars in dollars with a credit card. credit.


The official highlighted that in the last 60 days 1,210,571 people validated their identity, that is, 88.7% of those registered in Progresar Trabajo, of which the largest segment is made up of young people between 18 and 29 years of age ( 39.1%).

Tolosa Paz affirmed that 39.1% of the beneficiaries of the program are young people between the ages of 18 and 29, and emphasized the priority that they “find a way out from the educational offer” or in the continuity of a “path job training”, based on the Fomentar program and the ministry’s policy articulation centers, in addition to joint work with the Education portfolio, headed by Jaime Perczyk.

In turn, Tolosa Paz made an evaluation regarding the results of the audit on the program and considered that the survey brought to light a large amount of information that will serve to “direct the State’s effort” with greater precision.

In this framework, the 154,441 people who did not validate their identity “are subject to being suspended” from the program, although they will collect 50% of the amount corresponding to January in February, while a “claim instance” is being processed. Therefore, they would imply a fiscal impact of “more than 2,500 million pesos”, although he stressed that those who have had “geographical difficulties” to validate their data can still reverse this situation.

The audit showed that of the total number of beneficiaries, 1,134,472 people carry out productive or community activities; 46,471 are taking training courses and 29,628 are completing formal studies.

Of the total, 60% of them did not finish primary or secondary studies and, of this group of people with incomplete studies, 79.2% want to “continue with their educational trajectory” and, of these, 56% stated that they were “very interested” in embarking on that path. Also, the survey revealed that 1,050,833 holders “want to start or continue job training courses”, that is, 86.8% of the total.


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