Marcelo Paz, helmsman of the tricolor team, assured that before signing Gato they studied his situation to avoid legal problems and took the opportunity to challenge the Cacique.

President of Fortaleza challenges Colo Colo for the Lucero case.
© Fortress.President of Fortaleza challenges Colo Colo for the Lucero case.

The soap opera that Juan Martín Lucero starred in after his embarrassing escape from Colo Colo is far from over, since the Blanco y Negro board of directors announced that they will arrive Until the last consequences and that the case is handled prestigious international lawyers.

This was confirmed days ago by the president of ByN, Alfredo Stöhwing, who was clear in pointing out that “we will go to FIFA and all relevant instances against all those involved like the club that hires him. It is a serious situation and we are not going to let it go.”.

Fortaleza challenges Colo Colo for the Lucero case

After weeks of silence, the helmsman of the tricolor cast, Marcelo Pazin conversation with the Opovo site, he responded to the Cacique with a challenging message and did not hesitate to ensure that they are not afraid of them.

In the first instance, the boss of the Brazilian team assured that “We are not afraid because we made a legally secure deal. We would not embark on a legal adventure through Fortaleza. Colo Colo is in his role, he lost his main player.”

Finally, he indicated that “we understand that there was a contractual weakness, the player exercised that weakness, paid the fine and was released. We are going to monitor this whole situation, we are studying this situation to close with the player”.

It should be noted that everything will be resolved in FIFA since Colo Colo never accepted any offer from Fortaleza for the player, who continues to belong to Popular after disbursing 900 thousand dollars for 80% of his letter.


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