President of the National Film Center of France is convicted of sexual assault

NANTERRE.- He president of the National Center for Cinematographer (CNC) Dominique Boutonnat was sentenced today – June 28 – by the Nanterre criminal court, on the outskirts of Paris, to three years in prison, one of them final, for having sexually assaulted his godson in August 2020.

“The court considers the complainant’s version more credible than that of the accused and affirms that the latter always exercised a real influence on his godson,” the judicial body declared on the sexual assault.

Boutonnat, who announced his resignation after the sentencing, is also prohibited from contacting the victim for the next three years.

In an email sent by the secretary of the presidency of the CNC after the sentence, Boutonnat, 54, reaffirmed his innocence regarding the facts with which he was accused and announced that he would appeal the decision while resigning from office.

The CNC is a French public institution that depends on the Ministry of Culture and aims to support and regulate the film and audiovisual industry.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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