Prosecutor of the Cuban regime manages migrating to the US with Biden's measures

HAVANA.- Rosabel Roca Sampedro, a prosecutor from Camagüey who called for years in prison for young July 11 protesters and other dissidents, requested an appointment on the CBPOne application to immigrate to the United States, one of the immigration programs promoted by President Joe Biden.

The information was confirmed by Martí News with Immigration sources who asked not to be identified.

According to multiple complaints on social networks, Roca Sampedro left Cuba with his young daughter and currently resides in Mexico. deleted a profile on your social networks where he showed his closeness to the Cuban regime and is waiting for USA make an appointment through the CBPOne mobile app to show up at the border and ask for political asylum.

“The case is number 26 of 2022, of Preparatory Phase File 31 of 2021, for Attack and Contempt, instructed by prosecutor Rosabel Roca Sampedro. We have it in our files. Due to the work of that prosecutor, four innocent people were sentenced from 4 years and 4 months in prison to 3 years and 6 months in prison.”said Javier Larrondo, director of the NGO Prisoners Defenders, which specializes in documenting human rights violations in Cuba.

After July 11, 2021, when the largest peaceful protests in Cuba’s history occurred, the island’s regime sentenced more than 1,000 people to prison. Since then it has been one of the main obstacles in the relationship with the United States and a reason for condemnation by international organizations.

The former prosecutor would plan to go live in Houston

Roca Sampedro, 42, has a daughter in Houston, Texas, with whom he would presumably go to live if allowed to the United States. Adrián Díaz, the contact offered by Roca Sampedro in Houston, United States, did not deny knowing her but said that he does not maintain communication with her and hung up on her after a few seconds of conversation with Martí Noticias.

Martí Noticias tried to contact Roca Sampedro through his social networks and did not receive a response.

“She is a well-known prosecutor in the Municipal Court of Camagüey,” said Larrondo.

The victims of Roca Sampedro

The political prisoners who are known so far and in whose cases prosecutor Roca Sampedro intervened are Adrián Quesada Flores (32 years old at the time of arrest), Geovanis Cepulveda Martínez (43 years old at the time of his arrest), Lesyani Heredia Salazar (22 years old at the time of his arrest) and Yadisley Rodríguez Ramírez (34 years old at the time of his arrest).

“If the prosecutor wants to redeem her crimes, given that arbitrary imprisonment is a crime against humanity in which she would have participated and whose authors would be the Castro family, the first thing she must do is summon the media and tell absolutely everything that has happened.” done for the regime, what forces the regime to do and its operations,” said Larrondo.

“His victims remain in prison. He cannot redeem himself in any way without at least giving everything to correct to some extent the wrong he has done,” Larrondo added.

Roca Sampedro has also been accused of imprisoning the Camagüey-born opposition member Bárbaro de Céspedes, who was sentenced to one year and six months in prison on charges of disobedience and instigation to commit a crime, for his participation in the massive protests of July 11.

Judicial sentence to activist Bárbaro de Céspedes, of Camaguey, where the signature of prosecutor Rosabel Roca Sampedro appears.

The charge of instigation to commit a crime was based on the activist’s post on Facebook inciting the people to take to the streets, when they had already started protests in Camagüey during the social outbreak.

“That lady was very despotic towards me. She didn’t even let me speak. When they tried to silence me in the trial I defended myself with the Constitution. I was imprisoned for a year and eight months because of her,” said De Céspedes from Camagüey, where he resides.

“All the time she showed rejection of me and what I meant. It would be very satisfying for me if they deported her to this country. She does not deserve to live in freedom,” he added.

The organization Justicia 11J provided one of the sentences where Rosabel Roca Sampedro’s signature appears and confirmed that she is among the prosecutors who tried the July 11 protesters.

Source: EDITORIAL / With information from Martí Noticias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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