Alec Baldwin pleads not guilty to involuntary manslaughter

THE ANGELS.- The actor Alec Baldwinaccused of the death on the filming of Rust of his director of photography, would have compromised security on the set due to his uncontrolled behavior, stated the fiscal of the case in court documents released this Monday.

Baldwin, 66, will go on trial in July charged with involuntary manslaughter after the death of Halyna Hutchins by a gunshot in October 2021, while rehearsing a scene from the low-budget film at the Bonanza Creek ranch.

The protagonist and co-producer of the cowboy film would have harassed gunsmith Hannah Gutierrez and the team to work faster on the set in New Mexico, said prosecutor Kari Morrissey in a detailed account of the investigations and judicial handling of the case. .

“Mr. Baldwin’s relentless rush with crew on set routinely compromised safety,” Morrissey said.

“Additionally (…), Mr. Baldwin frequently yelled and cursed at both himself and the team for no particular reason,” he added. “Seeing Mr. Baldwin’s conduct on the set of Rust is seeing a man who has absolutely no control over his own emotions and has no concern about how his behavior affects those around him,” the prosecutor explained.

Sentences in case Rust

Gutierrez, who was 24 when she was hired by Rust to oversee production weapons, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in March and is due to be sentenced next week.

Morrissey questioned the hiring of the young gunsmith given her short career. “Many of the team members Rust “They immediately noticed that Ms. Gutierrez was inexperienced and overwhelmed,” he said.

“The combination of Hannah Gutierrez’s negligence and inexperience and Baldwin’s lack of concern for the safety around him would prove deadly to Halyna Hutchins.”

Morrissey presented the document in response to Baldwin’s defense, which asked to drop the accusation last month, alleging judicial abuses.


An image from a video clip of Rust Played in court shows actor Alec Baldwin during the involuntary manslaughter trial of Hannah Gutierrez-Reed in the First Judicial District Court in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on February 29, 2024.

AFP/Gabriela Campos

The prosecutor not only points directly to Baldwin for firing the Colt .45 revolver that blinded Hutchins’ life and for being indifferent on the set, but also for giving contradictory versions of the tragedy in interviews. She also accuses her team of eight lawyers of lies and manipulation, as well as personal attacks against the prosecutors in charge of the case.

Baldwin, who denies pulling the trigger and has pleaded not guilty, risks up to 18 months in prison if convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

The actor, who is free on bail, reached a court agreement with Hutchins’ widower, and finished filming Rust last year in Montana.

Source: AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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