Verdi is calling for the next warning strike in regional bus and train companies – actions are already planned for Thursday in five federal states.

Public transport users in five federal states have to face restrictions in the Bus and train transport set: The Verdi union calls the employees of several transport companies Thursday, May 4th, on warning strike. The union announced this in a press release on Wednesday.

Public transport strike: These federal states are affected

Accordingly, on Thursday in the states Actions planned for Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Verdi calls on all employees to Strike that fall under the railway collective agreement (EVT). The contract applies to around 5,000 employees in around 40 non-federal companies.

These companies sometimes take care of public transport by bus and train. Verdi demands, among other things, one for the employees salary increase of EUR 550 per month with a term of twelve months. “Our goal remains a fair increase in wages that will bring real relief to employees and their families during the crisis. For that we do with the second warning strike continued pressure.” said negotiator Volker Nuss from Verdi in the press release.

The employees to whom the EVT applies were already called to strike on April 26. Since another round of negotiations on April 28th did not bring any result, Verdi should now continue Print be made.

Warning strike: That’s why it should be smaller

Since only the employees of companies that do not belong to the federal government were called to industrial action, the strike is likely to be smaller than, for example, the nationwide Strike day on April 21st. At that time went on strike the railway and transport union (EVG) and stopped local, regional and long-distance traffic.

In May there will be more warning strikes expected. There is also a risk of large nationwide strikes, as the collective bargaining between the railway union EVG and Deutsche Bahn failed again at the end of April. Read more here: Bahn: EVG union threatens “week-long” strikes


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