Former Paradise Hotel participant, Amir Lowy (23) is in the new program “Heit” on Prime Video.

The program involves singles dating in a sauna and potentially finding love.

Lowy, on the other hand, feels deceived by the concept. Now he rages against the production.

– I think this is just ridiculous. They have cut me extremely wrong, and I don’t come across as the person I really am. I was tricked.

– Purposefully entered the date to attack

The 23-year-old joined the program to find a potential partner. Ahead of his participation, he described his dream girlfriend to the production, who was scheduled to match him with three suitable women.

Lowy believes he was presented with the opposite of what he had conveyed to the production that he wanted.

In addition, the participant says that he was told afterwards by the women that they had been encouraged to put Lowy out, since he was referred to as a “cocky” type.

– The girls said that they had been told to “let him hear it and put him in his place, because he is a ‘cocky’ type”. I have the feeling that they purposefully went into the date to attack me.

Affected psychologically

After participating, Lowy says that he has experienced strange looks, been laughed at, pointed at and that people come up to him with negative comments.

He says that this has affected him psychologically.

– I have experienced many strange and sick things, which are very disgusting to experience.

Considering going to court

Furthermore, the “Heit” participant says that he has been in contact with a lawyer, but that he has waited to go to court due to high costs.

He also says that he has been in contact with Monster, who would like to arrange a meeting with Lowy. He is skeptical about this.

– I feel that my dignity has been played with. They have chosen to portray me as a person they want and which does not match reality. I feel I have been treated unfairly. I feel like they don’t care what I say.

Works for a good experience

Managing director of the production company Monster, Eva Rolland Korshamn, writes to God kveld Norge that they work to ensure that the participants always have a good experience.

– Monster always works to ensure that all participants have a good experience, both during recording and afterwards.

Furthermore, Korshamn writes that they believe the program gives a correct and balanced presentation of the date as it unfolded.

– We think it is a shame that this participant has experienced it differently and has invited dialogue, she concludes.


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