According to the report ” GLOBAL FIREPOWER 2023 “, them Algerian armed forces are among the most major military powers from the African continent and the Arab world.

The 2023 report of the world database devoted to military affairs, Global Firepower, ranks the Algerian army in 2e african rank military powers. In the Arab world, national armed forces arrive at the 3e squareranking, behind Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Globally, they rank 26e rank.

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The “GLOBAL FIREPOWER 2023” report includes 145 countries. To establish its ranking, it is based on a set of 60 criteria . These concern, among other things: the total number of personnel, the equipment of the land, air and naval forces, the defense budget; but also the size of the country, its common borders, its logistical capacities, its natural resources (oil, gas, coal), etc.

According to the GFP, Algeria has the 26th most powerful army in the world in 2023.

Remark : The GFP index is called “Pwrlndx” (power index). The perfect score is 0.000. Thus, the lower the Pwrlndx value of a nation, the more “powerful” its army.

What are the 10 most powerful armies in Africa in 2023?

Ranking of military powers GFP-2023 in Africa lists a total of 38 countries. Here are the 10 nations with the best Pwrlndx, in descending order:

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  1. Egypt: 0.222 4
  2. Algeria: 0.391 1
  3. South Africa: 0.488 5
  4. Nigeria: 0.558 7
  5. Ethiopia: 0.797 9
  6. Angola: 0.873 2
  7. Morocco: 1.052 4
  8. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): 1,305 5
  9. Tunisia: 1.324 3
  10. Sudan: 1,407 9
Table of the 10 largest military powers in Africa in 2023.

Algeria is the 2nd largest African military power in 2023.

What are the 10 greatest military powers in the world in 2023?

The GFP-2023 ranking of military powers in the world lists a total of 145 countries. Here are the 10 nations with the best Pwrlndx, in descending order:

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  1. United States: 0.071 2
  2. Russia: 0.071 4
  3. China: 0.072 2
  4. India: 0.1025
  5. United Kingdom: 0.143 5
  6. South Korea: 0.150 5
  7. Pakistan: 0.169 4
  8. Japan: 0.171 1
  9. France: 0.1848
  10. Italy: 0.197 3
Table of the 10 largest military powers in the world in 2023.

The United States will remain the world’s greatest military power in 2023.

The Algerian army, 2nd in Africa, is the most powerful in the Maghreb

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, Algeria ranks 26e world rank (out of 145 countries) of the Global Firepower 2023. In addition, in the PwrIndx, it achieves a score of 0.391 1 (0.000 0 being the “perfect” score).

At the African level, the Algerian armed forces occupy the 2e squareof the most important military powers of the continent, behind Egypt (14e global).

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For the Middle East-North Africa region, Algeria ranks 3rde position behind Egypt and Saudi Arabia (22e global). Morocco, with a PwrIndx of 1.052 4, comes in at 61e global place; and Tunisia (PwrIndx: 1.324 3) is 71e.

The strengths and weaknesses of the armed forces of Algeria.

Here are, moreover, some of the main figures on the armed forces of Algeria that can be found on the site of (estimates):

>> Total workforce : 465,000 (including 130,000 active military, 135,000 reservists and 200,000 paramilitary).
>> Air Power: 547 aircraft (356 available); 273 helicopters (177 available).
>> Naval Power: 5 frigates; 6 corvettes; 6 submarines; 25 patrol boats.
>> Land Forces: 35,990 vehicles (23,394 available); 224 self-propelled artillery vehicles; 483 towed artillery pieces; 298 MLRS rocket launchers.
>> Logistics capabilities:149 airports; 12 commercial ports/terminals; 104,000 km of road; 3973 km of railway.

Finally, among Algeria’s geopolitical strengths, the GFP cites the fact that our country is an active member of the African Union and OPEC, as well as its position in the10 largest natural gas producers in the world.


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