ready to take to the streets, while the regime intensifies attacks

The standard bearer of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), which brings together the main opposition parties, will visit this Saturday the city of La Victoria, in the state of Aragua (central-north), in what would be his first street act as presidential candidate.

In this emblematic city, which has been the scene of transcendental moments in the republican history of Venezuela, González Urrutia will share the stage with the leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Maria Corina Machadowho was prevented from participating in the electoral process due to the political disqualification imposed by the Chavista regime.

“The expectation I have is of something pleasant because It is my city, it is the people I know and with whom I shared many years of my life,” said the presidential candidate in an interview with As it iswhen referring to the event that will be held in his hometown, and that has aroused the enthusiasm of hundreds of users through social networks.

Edmundo González Urrutia from Caracas

Since he assumed the opposition candidacy on April 19, the opposition standard bearer has dedicated himself to attending to the media and celebrating meetings with social, union and political organizations both from the PUD, and from minorities, who have supported González Urrutia in the face of the presidential elections to be held on July 28.

In parallel, Machado dedicated himself to touring the Venezuelan territory, holding massive street events in support of the opposition candidate, in which he promoted citizen organization with the installation of “comanditos”, who will be part of the 600K network, with which they hope train 600,000 citizens to mobilize voters and defend the vote in the upcoming elections.

“In the coming months we are going to do more events. What remains of the campaign is very little time, but we are going to make the effort to visit other cities in the country“added the former ambassador.

In almost a month, González Urrutia has received the support of such emblematic political organizations as the Movement towards Socialism (MAS), he has met with women, relatives of political prisoners, members of the LGBTI community, and, more recently, with young people of the student movement.

Furthermore, internationally his candidacy has been recognized as the “only opponent” to confront Nicolás Maduro, before a range of candidates who are part of parties that have been judicially intervened or that have been related to the ruling leadership, who are known as “scorpions.”


“Let’s go in unity”

This Thursday, May 16, global leaders and representatives of democratic organizations expressed their “unwavering support” González Urrutia, as a candidate; and Machado as the undisputed leader of the “Venezuelan democratic movement.”

“Both embody the objectives and aspirations of the Venezuelan people, who fervently seeks a transition from dictatorship to full democracy“, reads the statement issued within the framework of the Copenhagen 2024 Democracy Summit, held in Denmark.

The opposition standard bearer, who participated this Thursday in his first political rally in Caracas accompanied by Machado, also added to his candidacy the support of the mayors of the state of Trujillo (west), where last week Machado closed with a “golden brooch” a successful tour, despite Chavista threats.

In his office in Caracas, González Urrutia received the mayors of the Trujillo municipalities of Motatán, Carache, Urdaneta, Campo Elías, José Felipe Márquez Cañizales, Monte Carmelo, Sucre and Andrés Bello. “With the strength of your neighbors we go in unity”noted the candidate.


Regime attacks intensify

While González Urrutia grows in popularity, the ruling leadership has tried to find its “Achilles heel.” However, in his history they have not been able to find any stain that can be used for the dirty war campaigns that apply against opposition leaders.

Given this, different Chavista officials have chosen to describe the former ambassador as the “gringo candidate” and, ultimately, attribute various health problems to him that, supposedly, would prevent him from carrying out the campaign in the face of the presidential process.

This Thursday, Delcy Rodríguez, vice president of the regime, insisted that González Urrutia is the candidate “backed by the gringos” who, he maintains, will allow the United States to “steal” the Venezuelan oil.

“We will never support the United States coming to govern Venezuela, like when they demonstrated it by trying to undermine our sovereignty on May 3, 2020. There we saw the contract, which said that they were going to control the country. The gringo candidate will be defeated on June 28,” he asserted.

His statements also arise at a time when the Chavista regime is strengthening “cooperation ties” with the dictatorships of Cuba and Nicaragua, and with governments that are enemies of the West, such as Russia and China.

Supposed illness

For his part, Diosdado Cabello, Chavismo’s number two, attributes alleged health problems to him that prevent him from facing a presidential campaign and, in addition, would be generating “family problems with his daughters”.

“Edmundo González told María Corina that she had to consider her health condition, that she should please not abuse her resistance, that perhaps she had to retire before July 28. “She told him that her doctors in Spain are demanding that she rest,” Cabello said during his television program.

He stated that the opposition standard bearer He traveled “emergencyly” to Spain last year to resume prostate treatment and control other stomach-related conditions

“Edmundo confirmed to María Corina that he will attend the event this Saturday, May 18, in La Victoria, but with the condition that they do not make him walk or get too much sun, because he is also suffering from a strange illness in the skin,” he said.

However, these statements were refuted by the opposition candidate, who denied in an interview with Cnn in Spanish have some health condition that prevents me from continuing in the presidential race.

“I have no worries about my state of health, which is in perfect condition”González Urrutia emphasized.


Source: With information from Tal Qué / CNN in Spanish / social networks

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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