regime intensifies persecution of Vente Venezuela, they demand that it cease

CARACAS.- In another episode of siege to opponents, 25 days before the elections, officials of the Bolivarian National Police undertook the persecution against a coordinator of the movement Come Venezuelaby political leader María Corina Machado, who accompanied presidential candidate Edmundo González on his tour of the state of La Guaira a couple of weeks ago.

Vente Venezuela’s legal advisor, Perkins Rocha, filed the complaint on July 2 at night, after police officers began sieging a nursing home in the Caraballeda sector in search of the political leader, Raquel Vera, who is the liaison between this movement and the town in northern Venezuela.

“There is no court order that justifies the summons,” warned the lawyer who recalled the arrest and criminal prosecution of a leader of Vente Venezuela and two from other political parties. oppositionwho participated in the presidential candidate’s activity.

We demand an end to the harassment, said Rocha, who also asked for respect for the nursing home.

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More persecutions against the opposition

In mid-June, a leader of Vente Venezuela dos from the Voluntad Popular party, along with a journalist, were arbitrarily detained, days after attending González’s activity.

But to date, 11 leaders of Machado’s organization have been arrested by security forces of the Maduro regime, while another six remain under protection at the Argentine Embassy in Caracas awaiting safe passage, since 2023.

Recently, a report reported 38 victims of political violence in 25 incidents, in which the armed and security forces of the Venezuelan regime appear to be responsible, between March and June, during the pre-election campaign period.

Of the 38 victims, 14 are “ordinary citizens or journalists” and the remaining 24 belong to opposition political parties, according to the report by the Peace and Reconciliation Foundation.

Source: With information from networks, Diario Las Américas

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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