Is it worth having your washing machine, your vacuum cleaner, your computer repaired, even when it breaks down, rather than buying another one? The repair, following a breakdown, is now subsidized, explains “60 Million consumers”.

The government says it wants to encourage us to have our household appliances, household appliances or others, that break down repaired, precisely to promote recycling and sustainable development. Adrian de San Isidoro investigated for the magazine’s February issue 60 Million consumers. And he gives us a whole series of details on the repair bonus set up at the end of last year.

franceinfo: First of all, do we have an idea of ​​an average price for having your household appliances repaired? Because apparently it’s really the big discrepancy on the bills?

Adrian of San Isidoro: So the average repair prices vary quite a bit. In fact, depending on the device, they range roughly from $15 for a hair dryer to $200 for a TV. So the range is quite wide. In the middle of this range, we will find refrigerators, washing machines or even dishwashers, the repairs of which are around 120 €.

What are the most fragile devices? Is there a way to know if the product we buy will be easily repairable, what we call the repairability index?

In fact, the fragility of the devices depends quite a bit on the brands and models. What we can know, on the other hand, is the repairability of these devices, which is noted out of 10, information given on a small label, listed next to the prices in stores, and appearing prominently on the product sheets of the online shops. The rating takes several criteria into account, such as the ease of dismantling the objects, and the availability of spare parts. Obviously, the higher this rating, the more repairable the item.

We now come to this famous repair bonus set up by the state. Is everyone entitled to it, and how does it work?

Let’s be very clear: everyone is entitled to this bonus which takes the form of a discount directly applied to the invoice, by the professional. Its amount differs from one type of device to another. On washing machines, smartphones and dishwashers, for example, you will benefit from a discount of €25, an amount which increases to €20 for game consoles and to €45, for example, for the repair of a computer. portable.

And this applies to all devices, and also, at any repairer?

In total, 31 product classes are affected by this aid. You can find the detailed list on the website Eco ecosystem. Please note that only out-of-warranty devices are eligible for the discount. Clearly, if your device is covered by a commercial warranty, whatever it is, you will not be able to benefit from the bonus. Same thing, if your device was purchased less than two years ago, and it is protected by the legal guarantee of conformity.

Other conditions to be met to take advantage of the bonus, go to certified repairers, QualiRépar, the only professionals who can apply the discount. Visit the site to find the repairers closest to you.

We can see the danger: these repairers could increase their prices. Are these prices controlled?

Indeed, repairers could be tempted to inflate their prices and take the difference in passing. And to fight against these bad practices which would cancel, de facto, the effect of the bonus. Price statements were made by repairers before the measure came into effect. And if too glaring discrepancies are observed in the coming months, the police reserve the right to impose sanctions on professionals.

A device that we use every day, the mobile phone, the most frequent incident is the breakage of the phone which falls on the ground. And there, the bill is generally quite high. And the repair bonus does not work?

Alas no. The bonus was designed to help consumers pay the repairman in the event of a breakdown, but not in the event of a breakage. It is therefore better to put a shockproof screen on your mobile phone, as screen breakage is by far the number one cause of smartphone repairs. Expensive repairs which can exceed 300 € depending on the model.

Last point, the warranties or even the warranty extensions that we are systematically offered at the time of a purchase, is it reliable and interesting?

Again, most guarantees and by extension their extension, do not work if there is breakage. So these products are not always very interesting. In addition, for two years, the buyer of a new product benefits from the legal guarantee of conformity which, it should be remembered, is completely free.


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