Ricardo Montaner calls for voting on July 28 in Venezuela

MIAMI.- This July 28th Venezuela live one of the most decisive moments in its political and social history when the elections were held elections presidential elections that will determine whether the 25-year-long dictatorship – now led by Nicolás Maduro – will remain in power for six more years or whether the opposition – led by leaders María Corina Machado and Edmundo González – will take over to begin a process of democratic transition. In light of this fact, the Venezuelan interpreter Ricardo Montaner posted a video on social media to promote voting.

“Venezuela: the country that embraced me since I arrived as a child, the one that raised me and gave me a beautiful family, a wonderful wife and talented and good children, five of whom were born in Venezuela and eight of them grandchildren with Venezuelan blood; the land that sheltered my parents and opened its arms to us when we arrived from Argentina. The place where my beginnings found the first applause, there in my beloved Maracaibo… that little Venice, that generous land, the Venezuela full of nature, contrasts and hope, is about to give birth, is about to give birth to a new nation,” said the singer-songwriter while showing a black and white image of himself.

Ricardo Montaner: “It is a day of reconciliation, that is why this call”

“On the 28th, Venezuela will wake up to the future. It is up to everyone, absolutely everyone, to respond to the call, to those who think the same and those who think differently. The 28th is a day of encounter and not of divisions, it is an opportunity that not everyone has, it is a day of reconciliation, that is why this call,” added Ricardo Montaner, who urged the Venezuelan population to exercise their right to vote. “Do not stop participating, if you have that right; do not stop coming and defining the destiny and what will come for those who are inside and for those who are outside.”

Likewise, the singer-songwriter of hits such as The glory of God y I’m extra special He took advantage of the invitation to make it clear that his exhortation is not in favor of any political party.

“I respect you and love you, dear Venezuelan brother, and I am incapable of suggesting that you think like me; therefore, I only ask you, in honor of that country that one day allowed me to come to give me a future, that you go and vote. It is of no use to you to raise the flag of your ideals if you are not willing to contribute to making those convictions a reality. Go and vote; vote and be free, do not remain silent and if that is what you choose, do not complain afterwards. I hug you all. Long live Venezuela! Ricardo,” concluded the artist, who lives in Miami.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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