Rituals to receive the New Year

MIAMI.- There are only a few hours left to say goodbye to 2023. And to welcome the New Year, DIARIO LAS AMRICAS shares four rituals to attract prosperity, abundance and good energies in the next 365 days.

Eat lentils

Eat lentils and have a handful of these grains in your pockets when 12:00 am approaches

Although the tradition comes from Italy, several countries in America contemplate this ritual to attract abundance.

Carrying a suitcase with a passport and money in hand

Another tradition when the clock strikes 12:00 am is to grab a suitcase, passport, and tickets and walk with them around the place where the New Year is received.

For this ritual, they recommend walking as far as possible, with the aim of decreeing new trips and getting to know other countries in 2023.

Eat 12 grapes

The 12 grapes are added to the traditional New Year’s dinner: each fruit represents a wish for each month of the coming year; When eating them you must ask specifically for what you want.

Dress with yellow clothing or accessories

Wearing a yellow garment is synonymous with wealth, since the color is associated with new beginnings due to its relationship with gold and the sun.

They claim that yellow attracts positive energy to start the New Year.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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