You are currently viewing RO-Alert messages in Tulcea and Galati, on the border with Ukraine, about the possibility of objects falling from the airspace

Residents of the northern area of ​​Tulcea county and those of the border area of ​​Galati received, on Sunday evening, RO-Alert messages, because there is a possibility of some objects falling from the airspace, reports

Anti-aircraft shelter installed at PlauruPhoto: Ministry of National Defense

The representatives of the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Tulcea announced that the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations issued a RO-Alert message through which the population of the northern area of ​​Tulcea County is informed about the possibility of objects falling from the airspace.

“The message is an informational one and provides protection recommendations that residents of the affected areas must take in case these objects fall near inhabited areas. The RO-Alert message was sent for the northern area of ​​Tulcea county and the border area from Galaţi municipality, respectively Cotul Pisicii beach to Giurgiuleşti Customs”, specified the representatives of ISU Tulcea.

The Romanian authorities also issued an RO-Alert message for several localities in Tulcea county on Wednesday morning, announcing that there is a possibility of some objects falling from the airspace.

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) decided, on September 7, to adopt protective measures for the population in the areas of Romanian territory adjacent to the Ukrainian towns of Reni and Ismail, as well as the issuance of RO-Alert messages by the ISU, upon notification MApN, regarding the risk of some “elements belonging to the means of combat used in the conflict” falling.

The Romanian Army announced that the installation of population protection spaces in Plauru (Tulcea county) started on Tuesday, in accordance with the September 7 decision of the National Security Council. We remind you that at least three drones launched by the Russians, in the war started in Ukraine, fell in Romania, in Plauru and Nufăru.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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