Roberto Guizasola, a former defender of Alianza Lima, is accused of having a debt of $124,000 with his 17 and 13-year-old children for not having paid their pension for six years. Even the case is already in the Judiciary.

Andrea Oliveiros, mother of the two children of guizasoladenounced on Magaly TV, that the former defender of Alianza Lima, Juan Aurich and other national clubs for six years has not complied with the payment agreement of 2 thousand dollars, which he signed in 2014.

TROME | Roberto Guizasola is denounced for not paying a pension to his children (Magaly Tv)

The mother of the family denounced that even the popular ‘Cornet’ he has ‘forgotten his children on special dates like birthdays and Christmas’.

These statements were made on Magaly TV, La Firme, which reported that the Judiciary ordered the execution to be carried out until Roberto Guizasola comply with paying 2,000 dollars a month to his little ones, in addition, in one of the documents, he specifies that he owes the total sum of 124,000 dollars.



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