Russia Suffers Another Nightly Wave of Ukrainian Drone Attacks

The Russian anti-aircraft defense shot down three Ukrainian drones in the region of Kalugaabout 200 kilometers south of Moscowreported the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

“About 05:00 (local time) today, an attempt by the regime to kyiv of perpetrating a terrorist attack with three drones against installations in the territory of the region of Kaluga», said Defense in a statement published in Telegram.

According to the Russian military, the anti-aircraft defense means “timely detected and destroyed all the drones.”

“There were no victims or destruction,” concluded the Defense report.

Ukrainian drone strikes against the territory of Russia, including its capital, have multiplied in recent weeks. Two repelled drone strikes in the financial district of Moscow they resulted in little damage to skyscrapers and in May, several aircraft were shot down near the kremlin.

“Gradually the war is returning to the territory of Russiato its symbolic centers and military bases, and this is an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process,” the President of Ukraine warned at the end of last July, Volodimir Zelensky.


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