Algerian civil servants ended the year 2022 by welcoming very good news, that of the revaluation of their salaries from 2023. Indeed, on December 25, the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, had ordered the increase wages, but also pensions and unemployment benefits.

Speaking at a ceremony last Thursday, the Director General of the Budget at the Ministry of Finance, Abdelaziz Fayed, said that “the payment of the salary increase will be made next March with retroactive effect from January 2023”.

During his speech, the same official indicated that “the budget allocated to covering the wage increases of 2.8 million civil service workers was around 350 billion”.

In addition, Abdelaziz Fayed also explained the fact that “the authorities had decided to review the number of index points by adding 75 points in 2023 and 75 others in 2024”. Noting that “the increase in index points would allow the lowest salaries to benefit from this revaluation”.

Salary increase: Minister Chorfa puts forward some figures

The day after President Tebboune’s announcement concerning the salary increase, the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Youcef Chorfa, communicated some figures on a national television set.

Guest of the 8 p.m. television news on December 26, Minister Chorfa had indicated that “the decision of the Head of State to increase salaries during 2023-2024, to reach an annual threshold oscillating between 4500 DA and 8500 DA DA according to the categories, was going to concern 2.8 million civil servants and contract workers”.

In the same vein, the first person in charge of the Labor sector in our country had underlined the fact that “the increases in the economic sector will be fixed by the collective agreements between the operator and the social partner”.

In addition, the Minister of Labor had also mentioned the revaluation of pensions. To this end, he had indicated that “the first beneficiaries were those affiliated to the National Pension Fund (CNR) for a period of less than 15 years and currently receiving a pension of 4,000 to 10,000”. Adding that “the increase will reach 11,000 DA and will concern 900,000 retirees”. With regard to retirement at 15,000 DA, the minister had affirmed “its increase to 20,000 DA, for the benefit of 250,000 retirees”.

Finally, Youcef Chorfa had made the point concerning “the unemployment benefit which will increase from 13,000 DA net to 15,000 DA”. Adding that “the number of beneficiaries, at the end of December 2022, had reached 1.9 million and that it included academics, graduates of training institutes and non-graduates”.


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