Senator Ted Cruz accuses Biden administration of facilitating Hamas attack on Israel

MIAMI.- The Republican senator Ted Cruz launched harsh criticism against Joe Biden’s administration for having the “worst foreign policy” of the United States in recent times and accused it of facilitating 100 billion dollars that allowed the terrorist attack of Hamas against Israel in the Gaza Strip, in October 2023.

In a heated session of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Upper House, Senator Cruz questioned the Secretary of State, Anthony The blinkabout how the Biden government has acted in favor of the “enemies” of the United States, against the interests of the West.

“When Joe Biden became president he inherited peace and security in the world, but now we have two simultaneous wars: the worst war in Europe since World War II, and the worst war in the Middle East in 50 years, and both were caused by the constant weakness of this administration,” said the Senate representative from Texas, who resented that foreign policy “undermines, weakens and attacks” friends and allies, while showing “constant appeasement to our enemies.”

The session was a counterpoint in which Cruz, a staunch critic of Blinken’s management, put the Secretary of the State Department in trouble, and sought to highlight the unusual rapprochements of US foreign policy with factors on the global left, in several of them. the topics that were addressed.

Blinken’s answers were perceived as vague on questions related to countries not traditionally affected by the US, such as China, Mexico and Cuba, which was recently removed by the Biden administration from the list of terrorist countries, according to media reports.

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Iran, Senate issue

Senator Cruz was particularly incisive when questioning Blinken about the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, about which he criticized the UN for “flying its flag at half-mast to mourn his death” and which would show “the absence of US leadership.” ”. And also on the Israel-Hamas issue.

From the publication of an article in the Washington Post He pointedly asked whether the Biden administration had offered Israel “sensitive intelligence” to help its military locate Hamas leaders and identify its tunnels, in order to persuade it to contain “the full-scale Rafah invasion.”

To this, Blinken responded that the publication “is incorrect, it is totally misleading and wrong,” after hesitations and evasions that caused questions and answers, in a tense manner, between senior representatives.

“We have not offered you anything to avoid invading Rafah, except a plan to deal more effectively with Rafah,” the Secretary of State finally answered.

Cruz began his offensive. “Neither you nor the president agree with the plan to kill the Hamas terrorists, because they have expressed it publicly,” he said and accused Blinken of posting and then deleting tweets since the day of the terrorist attack against Israel, on December 7. October, in which he asked that country not to kill terrorists.

The US and the attack on Israel

The senator then focused on Iran and its oil production, after which he called Blinken a “filibuster” for not answering the questions correctly and trying to delve into the issue of sanctions.

“We are talking about Iran having earned more than 80 billion dollars in barrel sales,” snapped Cruz, who after Blinken’s evasions about how many ghost ships Iran has, concluded the interrogation with a long and forceful presentation. Not before specifying that she has more than 400 ghost vessels to circumvent sanctions.

“This administration desperately wants a new deal with Iran. They have been showering Iran with cash since day one, and I understand, the $6 billion is the tip of the iceberg in refusing to comply with oil sanctions. We have seen Iran’s oil sales: they went from 300 thousand barrels a day, when you arrived at the Office, to more than 2 million barrels a day, and that is 80 billion dollars,” he told Blinken.

And he added: “90% of Hamas’s funds come from Iran. “In a very real sense, this administration – you and President Biden – funded the October 7 attacks, sending $100 billion to a murderous, genocidal regime that funded these attacks.”

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Source: With information from the video Ted Cruz,

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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