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A driver ran over a mother and her two babies, one of whom was being transported in a stroller, in Ciudad del Este. This morning the person involved was arrested, who had fled.

Shortly after noon yesterday there was a car accident on the streets Monday and Father Bouttman from the San José neighborhood of Ciudad del Este.

The victim, Nubia Thais Jimenez Godoy (22), She was crossing the street with her 2-year-old daughter and her 6-month-old baby. when they were hit by a vehicle of the Vitz-type Toyota brand that was in command of Carlos Rios Aguilera (45).

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In closed-circuit images, the moment in which the vehicle collided with the mother and her daughters when they were about to reach the other sidewalk. The smallest He was in a cart that was dragged several meters by the car.

Thanks to The baby was left hanging with her belt on the bumper of the vehicle and that the cart did not overturn, could get out alive of the terrible accident.

After causing the accident, the driver he went down briefly to pick up the baby and remove the cart from the front, later fleeing without taking charge or apologizing to the mother.

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After the viralization of the case, this morning he appeared at the 7th Police Station in Ciudad del Este Idalina Rodas, wife of the driver involved. She tried to justify what happened by claiming that your spouse was “unfit to drive” as he had recently suffered severe meningitis and is on medication, reported the Nación Media correspondent, Gustavo Galeano.

At these hours, Carlos Ríos Aguilera is detained at the police station and available to justice.


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