Sergio Dalma becomes a grandfather at 59

Sergio Dalma is already a grandfather. The legendary singer, 59, has given an interview to Cadena SER on the occasion of the launch of his album Smile because you are in the photo in which he surprises by revealing that his son Sergi Capdevila, 28, is the father of a baby who arrived at world last June. On a personal level I almost never say anything, but the thing about being a grandfather is that it drives me crazy. It’s something magical…with these words the artist confirmed the good news, as well as the excellent moment he is experiencing.

Furthermore, a man… A Sergi. He has me crazy, crazy, crazy. Now I am the yoyo who sings, he says between laughs. It’s amazing… I think it’s one of the most beautiful things that could have happened to me. This is my best album, he adds in SER. The youngest of the family is the son of Sergi Capdevila, the offspring that Sergio Dalma had with his partner at the time, the model Maribel Sanz.

The enthusiasm of the interpreter of Bailar Pegados reflects the good relationship that unites him with Sergi today, something that was not always the case. And they both distanced themselves when their son decided to leave school to dedicate himself to the world of entertainment. I have not tried to get him to study a career, I hope, but I do want him to at least have a basis so that tomorrow he can develop his vocation, that minimum that you need, he confessed some time ago in a conversation with Susanna Griso. Those disagreements have gone much further than I ever imagined. I hope and pray that time will put everyone in their place. As a father I will always be therego.

That’s Sergi Capdevila

Sergi Capdevila made his debut on the small screen in 2014 with the program Mira quin jump! from Telecinco. At that time, the young man was coming of age and participated in the jumping format with his mother Maribel. My father did not want me to compete and always saw it as a betrayal for me to do so, he explained. He emerged as the winner of the second edition of the contest.

Father and son ended up in court after Sergi accused Sergio Dalma of having allegedly stolen an employment contract from him in order not to pay his pension. A year later, they both made peace.


Sergi Capdevila and Maribel Sanz in ‘Look who jumps!’ on Telecinco.

Sergio Dalma and Maribel Sanz

The singer and the model secretly married in January 1994 in a civil ceremony and, in September 1997, in the Church. A year later, the divorce would come. Despite the breakup, both always showed a good understanding. Later, the artist had a five-year relationship with the lawyer María Aguiica with whom he broke up in 2015.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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