the oil company Raízen Argentinabrand licensee Shell, applied this Sunday the 4% increase in fuelswithin the framework of the agreement reached by the national government with the oil companies last November.

The firm announced on Saturday that with the update of the values ​​it seeks to “minimally absorb the increases in the prices of biofuels, increased logistics costs, and the variation of the official exchange rate that affects the price of the raw materials that we use for the production of fuels”.

At the end of November, the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massaannounced the agreement with the oil companies for the fuels to participate in the program “Fair Prices” with monthly increases of up to 4% until March of this year.

In this way, the companies applied a first increase in December within the framework of this understanding, but in January they accepted that the scheduled increase be applied as of this January 15 to avoid a greater inflationary impact.


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