Shooting drill held at school

Police say this is a situation they hope they never have to face, but they must be well prepared to save lives.

Doral police say these drills are held several times a year. They are designed to be as realistic as possible.

A terrifying scene. An active shooter at a school. It was all part of a drill; a training carried out by the Doral authorities, a week before classes begin in Miami Dade.

Edwin López, chief of the Doral police, says: “Practice is important. He is no different from an athlete who trains every day for his sport. We are officers and we have to train every day. Not only physically but mentally as well.”

In this particular exercise, there was an active shooter at the Downtown Doral Charter School.

The team was also to attend to those pretending to be injured as soon as possible.

Authorities explained that their practice now is to enter the establishment and confront the shooter as soon as possible.

During this school year, one of the purposes of the Doral police is to become familiar with the schools of the city.

“Each school is different so we have a goal of doing this type of training at each school,” says López.

As always, authorities remind students to make a difference: If you see something, say something. In addition, they ask parents to always be alert and aware of what their children are doing.

“Many times it is uncomfortable to have these conversations about violence, but we are in a time when we have to have it,” says López.

The authorities explained that they will have zero tolerance for any type of threat and remind him that this is a serious crime.


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