• What is a “silent birth“?
  • What happens during a still birth?
  • Support before, during and after a breastfeeding birth
  • midwives and doulas
  • associations and contact points

One silent birth describes the stillbirth an unborn child after the 12th week of pregnancy. It is called a silent birth because there are no recognizable signs of life after the birth and also there is no cry from the baby. With the term starchild is connected to the idea that the child who died in the womb travels to heaven to shine as a star. Sometimes the designation butterfly child chosen.

What happens during a still birth?

The stillbirth rate is statistical between two and three per mille – in 1,000 births, two to three children are not born alive. in the year 2021 However, the number of stillbirths was 4.3 per 1000 (ie 0.43 percent). The rate has tended to increase since 2010. That However, the increasing age of the mothers is not the sole responsible risk factor. The numbers are also rising comparatively in other age groups.

If the death of the unborn child is determined during a preventive medical check-up, the pregnancy is terminated prematurely. Labor is usually induced with aids such as gel, suppositories, tablets or a contraction drip. Doctors tend to advise against a caesarean section. As stressful as the situation is, with a natural birth the parents have the opportunity to realize the death of their own child, to process it and say goodbye.

The parents should be given time to deal with the unexpected, very painful and emotionally extremely upsetting diagnosis, even if this can take a few days. Most parents feel like it Diagnosing a miscarriage or stillbirth It is not possible to immediately think about whether they would like to be accompanied on their way or what they need to do so. If an affected couple feels the desire to have someone with them who is just there, the clinic can, for example, put them in touch with an experienced doula produce.

Support before, during and after a “still birth”

Affected parents of stillborn children feel pain, emptiness and numbness in their most difficult hours. The specialist staff in a hospital, birth center or even midwives in the case of a home birth can only provide support and consolation within the scope of their possibilities.

There are clubs like “Stille Births eV” in Rommerskirchen (NRW)who have made it their task to support their parents comprehensively in this difficult phase of life. For example, a doula takes care of the star parents before and, if desired, continuously during the initiation of the stillbirth. She helps with exercises during the birth, takes care of the physical well-being, hugs and is just there. Both the association Stille Geburten eV in Rommerskirchen as well as some other comparable associations as well as cities and municipalities have created a separate area in the local or at least nearby cemeteries in which star children can be buried. In Bavaria, for example, the memorial forest the burial of star children. Also the Social Foundation Bamberg created such a grave field in the municipal cemetery.

In addition, take care associations of this type for example about the Clothing for the star child or, if the parents want it, provide one Photographer taking souvenir pictures. If parents do not want to or cannot see their baby, the photos are kept for ten years. This ensures that parents can still take a look at their baby years later. The association supports the establishment of a stable network, which takes care of the support and care of the star parents after the birth. That can e.g practical as well as therapeutic aids be. If there are siblings, the usually voluntary, trained helpers of the associations are there to explain and comfort them. There is no fixed time for care and support after the birth, because the time of mourning and healing is individual.

midwives and doulas

The concept of Midwife as a professional title for non-medical persons, who advise and look after expectant mothers during pregnancy, birth and afterwards, is widely known. Doulas (from ancient Greek and means as much as servant) are also trained women. Above all, they are important confidants of the expectant mother.

While a midwife often looks after other women giving birth, a doula only cares about the well-being of the woman and stays by her side. A doula is by no means a substitute for a midwife. Much more supplements them with their services and their own focal points mothers and their partners. Here is the Relationships between midwives and doulas are not always entirely free of competition. Midwives have been fighting for more recognition and more money from health insurance companies for years. The work of doulas, on the other hand, is agreed as a private service and accordingly individual hardened and tempered.

In connection with the silent births of star children comes to the doulas a special meaning to. Because in their engaging role, only they can take care of their mother, father and any siblings comprehensively, individually and over the long term. Her services, especially in such extremely stressful situations, go far beyond what a midwife can and should also do according to her defined tasks.

Clubs and contact points for finding a doula

If you would like to find out more about this certainly not very easy topic, you will find it in the Internet many contact points Find. On the one hand, there are a large number of women who offer their services as doulas. Since a doula generally sees her work as a birth attendant, it is of course important to pay particular attention to this in the special cases of a fixed stillbirth and the to address the reason for an inquiry transparently.

On the other hand, there are also many associations, most of which work on a voluntary basis, which were often founded by affected women and provide assistance. clubs like Doulas in Germany registered association., the Doula Association Germany registered association or the information portal “doula-info.de“, which was founded with a joint website by the doulas who have come together there, provide a lot of information and you can also find experienced contact persons there. Regional to Bavaria and Franconia related, you can, for example, contact the Doulas of Bavaria and at Mama protest Franconia eV to inform.

If you want to become a doula yourself, then the following information is important: Doulas do not have midwifery training, but acquire in theirs Training to the Doula as birth attendant professional knowledge and skills related to childbirth. To become a doula As a woman, you must have given birth to a child yourself and be at least 25 years old. It is also a requirement to be flexible in terms of time. Because a doula must be available to the pregnant woman for the birth on call.


A star child is a child who has died while still in the womb. There are a number of contact points for the Star Parents where they can get support. A doula can be of special help during childbirth. A grave in an appropriate area in the cemetery and photos can be important reminders.


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