Slvame returns to conventional television

Since his dismissal from Telecinco was certified, The workers at Slvame have thought about how they could return to the format the glory it earned during its more than ten years on the air. First, they reached an agreement with Netflix to launch a documentary series based on their protagonists and, later, release a streaming program broadcast on YouTube and Twitch.

Finally, the work they undertook eleven months ago has borne fruit. Save me, or what is the same No way, we will return to conventional television next June 3. It will not do it, obviously, on Telecinco, but rather it will be Ten TV the chain that will host Beln Esteban, Kiko Matamoros and company.

They forced you to leave through the back door after 14 years as leaders. They told everyone that you were trash TV. They did everything possible so that no one would hire you again, they made you believe that TV no longer wanted you and you came to doubt yourself. But they have not achieved it, they have started from the chain in the tweet with which they have communicated the great news.

Indeed. It doesn’t even matter if we were back on national television. This is public service, they have written. Lydia Lozano, Beln Esteban, María Patio, Kiko Matamoros, Chelo García and Vctor Sandoval will be some of the talk shows who will drop by. TV needs you and today is one of those days that changes everything. On June 3 they will have to look you face to face. On June 3 you returned to all the houses in Spain through the usual TV.

It was last May 15 when they premiered the program, although in just a few days they managed to break all records, even beating the broadcasts of Ibai Llanos. The bet is a textbook win-win, since Ten TV is one of the formats that can make the most growth for a network that does not reach 1% of daily audience.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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