
Carlos Núñez-Sosason of a Honduran mother and Cuban father, was accepted into 17 renowned universities in the United States, including Harvard, Yale, the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Although the young man obtained an affirmative answer in 17 of the 25 universities to which he applied, he finally decided to enter MIT because, in his own words, he is attracted by its energetic, social and collaborative community, in addition to the opportunity to “study something very advanced.” .

In an interview granted to Univision With Youwhich was shared by the young man’s mother in FacebookNúñez-Sosa explained that “I went into the applications very hard because I felt that this was the moment to put everything I had into it, although I knew it was going to be very hard.”

Regarding receiving the acceptance letters, he said that at that time he did not believe what was happening: “I first opened some that said no to prepare myself”.

His parents were an important source of inspiration, assured the virtuous young man. “I grew up working with them, and through so much work, he motivated me to do my part to get ahead.”

Núñez-Sosa explained that he also owes his parents the way he is, his way of behaving, and his orientation to the Catholic faith.

Gladis and Yuniel arrived in the United States two decades ago: “My dad came first, then my mom came, but they knew each other before.”.

The young man of Cuban origin, whose story of acceptance into elite universities in the United States has been inspiring to many, sent a simple but powerful message to high school students who now see him as a figure to follow: “You have to try and put The 100″.

Recently, Layra de la Caridad Valdés Ramíreza young Cuban born in Havana, graduated from Harvard School of Dental Medicine (Harvard School Dental MedicineHSDM) and dedicated that victory to his parents.

In the opinion of the recent graduate, those who have made a great sacrifice for her to rise as a winner in the United States have been her parents, who gave up their professional careers and emigrated to give her the opportunity to have a better future.

“My mother went from being a laboratory director in a hospital to cleaning toilets as a housekeeper. My father, who has a Master’s degree in Chemistry, works in a warehouse. It was difficult for them to learn a new language and they still struggle every day to communicate “Layra expressed.

Also in days gone by, a young Cuban in the United States graduated from her Florida high schoolproudly wearing a band with the Cuban flag, thus paying tribute to their roots.

This moment, which did not take long to go viral on TikTok, was spread by its protagonist @imkarlarei1, who has earned the approval of the platform’s Cuban community, moving many people on the island with his gesture.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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