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MADRID.- He Supreme Court of Spain issued a decisive ruling on Monday by rejecting the request for amnesty for the former president of Catalonia and central figure in the 2017 independence conflict, Carles Puigdemont. The decision confirms that the amnesty does not extend to the crime of embezzlement of which Puigdemont is accused, keeping the arrest warrant against him in force.

The ruling represents a significant blow to the Amnesty Law passed about a month ago, designed to benefit Catalan pro-independence leaders prosecuted or convicted for their involvement in the secession attempt. Although the Spanish Supreme Court recognises that the amnesty is applicable in cases of disobedience, it was argued that Puigdemont’s specific acts involve exceptions that exclude malfeasance, including personal benefit and impact on the financial interests of the European Union.

Puigdemont, currently residing in Belgium, faces multiple accusations including embezzlement of public funds, disobedience to authority and separate charges of alleged terrorism related to riots that occurred in Catalonia in 2019. The court decision highlights that, while the arrest warrant for embezzlement is remains in force, the one referring to disobedience does not apply in your specific case.

The Amnesty Law was approved as part of a complex political agreement that facilitated the re-election of the president Pedro Sanchezthanks to the support of the Catalan pro-independence parties in Parliament. However, the measure is the subject of considerable criticism from the right-wing and far-right opposition, who consider it unconstitutional and see in it a worrying precedent in terms of the administration of justice.

The Spanish Supreme Court is expected to continue to review the pending cases of more than 400 people affected by this legislation, which could prolong political and legal tensions related to the Catalan conflict.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

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