Only a few minutes after Emmanuel Macron’s televised address, this Monday April 17 at 8 p.m., the CFDT regretted on BFMTV a lack of concrete announcements, while the opposition denounced a head of state. “disconnected” et “out of reality”.

Laurent Berger, investigation into the key man of the mobilization

In his speech, Emmanuel Macron defended his reform, he detailed the three projects he intends to launch. He also gave himself “hundred days” to act “in the service of France”and thus relaunch its second five-year term mired in the crisis.

The sequel after the ad

” Nothing concrete “

The general secretary of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, estimated that there was ” nothing concrete “ in the perspectives opened up by the President of the Republic, who notably proposed a “new work life pact” in his speech from the Elysée.

“The door was locked three times for three months. Very clearly, by the first of May there will be no meeting. between the inter-union and the government, affirmed Laurent Berger. “The CFDT will return to discuss a whole host of subjects, but we will first want to clarify the method: is it real co-construction or is it to amend projects already tied up? »added Laurent Berger.

Laurent Berger: “At some point, Emmanuel Macron will have to meet the unions”

Regarding the prospects “which are given, it’s a bit of a discourse on the method for a tenth time but nothing concrete”criticized the number one of the union, who regretted “a kind of void”. For Laurent Berger, the Head of State had no ” Not understood “ the reasons for the anger of the French. “The appeasement, it had to be done on the subject which created the social conflagration, the pension reform, he did not say a word about it”he added on BFMTV.

“The account is clearly not there”

“On which planet does Emmanuel Macron live? This speech could have been made by Chat GPT! », reacted the head of the CGT, Sophie Binet, on the set of LCI. She also regretted that Emmanuel Macron did not “did not hear what the millions of striking workers and the trade unions have said and repeated to him”.

The sequel after the ad

“To turn the page, you have to offer us concrete things” et “in the projects he lists for us, I see either very concrete things that are deeply divisive”such as the reform of vocational high schools or the RSA, or points “totally obscure and very general” like wages. “So the mirror with larks, it’s good, we’ve already had enough of it. There, the account is clearly not there »she added.

In a joint press release published on Monday evening, the intersyndicale estimated that the words of the President of the Republic “demonstrate that he still has not understood the anger expressed in the country”. She again called for making “May 1st a day of massive, unitary and popular mobilization” against pension reform.


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