Spotify has updated a handy tool for your parties with friends. If the musical atmosphere is sometimes a sensitive subject for your receptions, Spotify may have finally found the solution thanks to this new feature. In particular, it allows you to group together your friends’ favorite tracks in the same playlist.

Who has never left a party prematurely because of the questionable musical choices of the person responsible for the music? To avoid any hasty departure, Spotify just updated a new feature that should help retain some of them. In fact, the tool Friends Mix by Spotify allows you to simply create a new playlist made up of your friends’ favorite tracks. If this functionality is based in particular on a tool developed in 2021 allowing everyone to share their own musical tastes with their friends, Spotify’s functionality has recently had a facelift. The Friends Mix now offers an even more individualized experience and allows the musical habits of 10 people to be grouped together. This playlist will also include a summary of all your favorite music to be sure to satisfy you; even if your friends have different musical tastes than yours.

Spotify makes your life easier for your evenings with friends © Pixabay

This new feature is available for all Spotify users (free and premium) in the “Designed for you” area. Be careful, however, it is imperative to have shared at least three playlists with at least two people so that your space can be created. Say “goodbye” to collaborative playlists, now they are made automatically and no one will be able to criticize your musical style.

To read : Spotify: Jordan Peele’s production company announces the release date of its terrifying new podcast

Spotify innovates to face competition

This new tool is part of the new strategy of the Spotify streaming platform trying, by all means, to innovate. Although the number of users remains very high, competition in this strategic sector (Amazon Music, Deezer etc.) forces each service to innovation. Good news for users who regularly discover smart new features. For example, earlier this month, the French service Deezer once again distinguished itself from its competitors by launching a collaborative Blind Test on its platform. However, it is unclear whether the success of this new feature has resulted in some users migrating to the platform. Deezer.

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