Never two without three. After the success of the strike on January 19 and 31, the unions are calling for a new day of mobilization against the pension reform, the examination of which began this Monday in the National Assembly. The movement should be very followed this February 7, with several disturbed sectors. SNCF traffic, metro traffic, closed schools… L’Express takes stock of the announcements.

Bad news for travelers: train traffic will be “severely disrupted” on February 7, warns the SNCF. Only 1 out of 2 TGVs will run on the East axis. For the North and South-East axes, the proportion will drop to 2 out of 5, and for the Atlantic axis, 1 out of 3. There will also be fewer Ouigos, with 2 out of 5 trains on average.

Regional traffic will be “very severely disrupted”. TER trains will be canceled in all regions, with an average of 3 out of 10 trains maintained. Regarding the Intercités, the SNCF announces two round trips for Paris-Limoges-Toulouse and a normal service for Paris-Nice. On the other hand, there will be no traffic for Nantes-Bordeaux and Paris-Briançon.

For international travel, Thalys traffic will only be “slightly disrupted”. 3 out of 4 Eurostars will be maintained. Overall, the SNCF asks travelers who can “cancel or postpone their trips”.

Ile-de-France transport users will also face a dark day. First at RER level: 1 train out of 2 will run for lines A and B. Traffic will be more disrupted on RER C (1 train out of 3), RER D (1 train out of 6) and RER E ( 2 trains out of 5). As far as the Transiliens are concerned, only 1 out of 3 trains will be maintained.

For the metros, the RATP announces “very disrupted traffic”. Lines 1, 3bis and 14 will run normally. 1 metro out of 2 will be maintained on line 4. For the rest, there will be between 1 metro out of 2 and 1 metro out of 4, depending on the lines. Finally, bus traffic will only be “slightly disrupted”, with an average of 8 out of 10 buses. Traffic will be normal on the entire tram network.

The General Directorate of Civil Aviation has asked airlines to cancel 1 in 5 flights departing from Orly airport. This measure was taken due to a strike by air traffic controllers.

For zone A, the February 7 mobilization coincides with school holidays. The education unions (CGT Educ’action, Fnec FP-FO, Sgen-CFDT, Unsa Education, FSU, SNALC, SUD education) nevertheless called on “colleagues to continue their participation in the mobilizations wherever they go. found”, “during the zoned holiday period”.

For the moment, only information concerning the city of Paris has appeared. The FSU-SNUipp union announced the closure of 60 primary schools in Paris, and nearly one in two teachers on strike.

Instead of the planned 72 hours, the refinery strike will finally last 48 hours. “What we are going to offer them for 48 hours is ‘nothing goes in, nothing comes out’, as usual,” Thierry Defresne, CGT secretary of the TotalEnergies Europe committee, told AFP. On the EDF side, a three-day mobilization begins on February 6 and will last until Wednesday. The other French companies in the electricity and gas industries are following suit.


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